Anyway, I've noticed a few suspect things I thought I might inquire about here and just see what some of you guys might think...any input welcome, thanks.
1) I believe the bike was originally a plain old GS750 (no E) as it has a single front disc. But I have noticed the # plate on the engine does not match the # stamped into the neck. And when I pulled the engine out there is a slight dent in the frame behind the mount where the engine maybe bumped it if/when they swapped it out.
2) The exhaust on it is a 4 into 1 on the right hand side which I believe I've seen guys describe as an option off of an 850...?
3) The fork caps were enormous and I had to remove them completely to get the tubes out of the yokes. A few guys on here told me they were clearly not OEM. Possibly someone's shop project...yikes.
4) The bike also had a massive luggage rack on the back the likes of which I have not seen on any other GS I've looked at. Could've moved a chesterfield with that thing.
Anyway, sorry for the novel, and sorry if this is the wrong place to post...just worried I'm into something that was cobbled together by a PO.
Thanks in in advance for any info at all.