I just bought what I can only assume is a 1981 GS 400 in rough shape for parts bike prices and hope to rebuild it to its original former glory. Here's a picture:
This bike has been through at least four sets of hands before it landed in my lap and I am hoping someone can help identify it. The metal sticker on the frame has a good section of it rubbed out and only shows the last half of the VIN but the registration paper shows that the VIN is JS1GK51A3B2(SERIAL) but the registration paper is also a little sparse of detailed information. I'm in BC, Canada and the provincial single provider insurance agency does not have GS or GSX in their system. The closest the have are GSXRs, so they left the specific model blank. Does anybody recognize what model this GS 400 is?
The reason I am trying to figure out the original model is that at one point one of the previous owners went at the bike with black spray paint and I would like to set things right. Thankfully they did a poor job at it and did not remove the original decal so I'm hoping that that will be a clue. I will post a close up picture in the next post of the decal I'm talking about. Another clue is that the registration states that the original colour was Grey. I hope those of you who have been around these bikes can use that info to narrow down the exact model.
I hope this is an active community and look forward to eventually contributing some knowledge to it.
P.S. I'm pretty sure this bike is also original to Canada and not privately imported from somewhere else.