Found the forum online, just bought a 1984 GS550EF, rough conditions, but seems like most of the parts are there! Brought the bike home saturday, paid a big 200$ for it. Non-running condition. I plan to tear it all down, and put it back into a somewhat original state with a couple mods, nothing big.
I'll let the pics talk for now.
When it got home ( Its not my first suzuki, i own 2 RM-Z250 16/17)
Started the tear down

Fuel tank had a pin hole and was rusty, i cleaned the inside with metal rescue, bolts and a lot of shaking. Then i sanded the bottom part of the tank to metal, applied gas tank putty where it needed, and sealed it with Flex Seal( yeah that stupid commercial!) Worked great on a car gas tank i did 2 years ago , so why not?

The seat was faded a bit , so i used a can of Trim/leather dye i had laying around as a test, ended up not bad, time will tell if its gonna hold up. If not i will get it wrapped.

I plan on doing this project in my spare times, i am active military mechanic, father of a 7months and 4 years old, with another baby on the way. I'll take my time! Any tips welcomed! I already know i need a new gauge/cluster assembly as the one that was on the bike is trashed and wires are ripped.