The lady of mention is an '81 GS850G. She needs a little love and a good cleaning, but is a stunner as purchased(at least in my eyes). I will have to give her a good going over just to chase out the 38 years of who knows what that's been going on, but everything mostly works as is so I feel I've got a good starting place.
I look forward to spending time here and learning as much as I can as I get her in shape. Thanks for having me, and for all the help I'm sure I'll be looking for in the future.
I'm gonna share pics of my other stuff and make ya wait til the end to see my new beauty, but hang on for it, she's worth it.
This is my Bandit when I brought her home.

And even back then I was chasing a more GS like experience, so she changed a bit over time

My '74 TS 250. This was bought new by my grandpa, and is priceless to me. I haven't ridden her in a while, so I tucked her in the basement for safe keeping, hence the kitchen shot

The '76 TS 400 that I've been playing with (she may have to find a new home now)

And finally the new to me GS850G. She's not exactly original, but not horribly far from it either. Todays goals are to get some Stabil in the tank and take her for a good ride bc she'll mostly be hibernating til spring

My first priority is to replace the petcock. The previous owner told me he only ran it in reserve. I'm not sure why, but also don't think I want to find out. I'll just replace it and be done. The horns are mounted horribly, so I'll fix that. You can see that they actually hit the fender. So sad

Sorry for such a long first post, but I'm excited and got diarrhea of the keyboard. Thanks for your time, and I'll try to keep it less wordy in the future.