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New '93 GSX1100G owner
1982 GS1100E V&H "SS" exhaust, APE pods, 1150 oil cooler, 140 speedo, 99.3 rear wheel HP, black engine, '83 red
2016 XL883L sigpic Two-tone blue and white. Almost 42 hp! Status: destroyed, now owned by the insurance company. The hole in my memory starts an hour before the accident and ends 24 hours after.
Hello and welcome! I am a former GSX1100G owner. As you will soon find out this bike only had a 3 year run so parts can be a challenge. It is a torque Monster as it was Suzuki's attempt to knock Yamaha's XS1100 (actually the V Max I think)off the podium at the fastest production shaft drive. They came close, the big G was the Second fastest shaft drive bike. The motor is a detuned version of the GSXR engine adapted to shaft drive. I don't think you will find model specific forum for them but there is a very active Email group that this guy runs.
Last edited by marvinsc; 04-27-2020, 06:07 PM.
Originally posted by marvinsc View PostHello and welcome! I am a former GSX1100G owner. As you will soon find out this bike only had a 3 year run so parts can be a challenge. It is a torque Monster as it was Suzuki's attempt to knock Yamaha's XS1100 (actually the V Max I think)off the podium at the fastest production shaft drive. They came close, the big G was the Second fastest shaft drive bike. The motor is a detuned version of the GSXR engine adapted to shaft drive. I don't think you will find model specific forum for them but there is a very active Email group that this guy runs.
You will find more than enough help and knowledge here for that monster. There are plenty of people here that have had, and have them. It really is just a cross between a GS, and a GSXR. Plenty of us here have GSXR's and know that engine quite well.
To bad about that tank. Rough repair, and even harder to find a replacement. You will be forced to scour the Fleabay for one. But, good luck with that. She's still a beaut...'83 GS 1100T
The Jet
'95 GSXR 750w
The Rocket
I'm sick of all these Irish stereotypes! When I finish my beer, I'm punching someone in the face ! ! !
Originally posted by RedGSX1100G View Post. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I noticed looking for Suzuki forums that the GSX1100G is like, the red headed step child of Suzuki.
It doesn't really fit in perfectly anywhere lol. .......
Lots of knolodgeable folks here that are wiling to help. But will only be a few that have specific expereince with the 90s GSX G.
None of the 80s GSs are watercooled for example. Some folks here have lots of expereince with lots of bikes.
Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl
Originally posted by Spyder View PostYou will find more than enough help and knowledge here for that monster. There are plenty of people here that have had, and have them. It really is just a cross between a GS, and a GSXR. Plenty of us here have GSXR's and know that engine quite well.
To bad about that tank. Rough repair, and even harder to find a replacement. You will be forced to scour the Fleabay for one. But, good luck with that. She's still a beaut...
Originally posted by RedGSX1100G View PostThanks! I've been browsing the Facebook links and already learned a lot! Luckily if I can't find a reasonably priced tank, I have a friend who does body work professionally. I'm sure he'd be happy to help ---- Dave
Only a dog knows why a motorcyclist sticks his head out of a car window
Originally posted by Grimly View PostThat tank would make a professional dentmaster blink.1982 GS1100E V&H "SS" exhaust, APE pods, 1150 oil cooler, 140 speedo, 99.3 rear wheel HP, black engine, '83 red
2016 XL883L sigpic Two-tone blue and white. Almost 42 hp! Status: destroyed, now owned by the insurance company. The hole in my memory starts an hour before the accident and ends 24 hours after.
Originally posted by oldGSfan View PostI see Mick Jagger's lips, did he kiss it?
I was just thinking since most of you guys have a list bikes in your sigs, I forgot about my GPZ. The GSX reminds me a lot of my first bike, which was a Kawasaki GPZ 550 (terrible first bike!) But yeah, they rode really similar, except the GPZ wasn't so stupid fast, and ergonomically it wasn't comfortable for me. I wrecked it, surprise surprise, lol. In my defense that was like, 20 years ago and that rock should not have been where it was lol.
I'm pretty sure I'm lucky I had just bought a 3 pound carbon fiber helmet, or I'd have broken my neck on the test ride lol.
One more picture, my bike and I. I made a different thread about my "license plate" lol, if anyone is interested in my lame level of creativity.
PS: I don't live here, I just had a person convenient to take a picture for me because I just delivered her supplies lol.Attached Files
I know this doesn't really belong here, but it's the reason I bought this Suzuki. My Yamaha wouldn't start, and we all pretty much thought it was the starter clutch. Nope, just the starter! Oops. So, we jumped the gun a bit, but we're still keeping the GSX-G for sure! Can't have too many bikes, right? 😉