she started first try ! Sounded a little noisy (to me) but quietened down after a few mins when off choke - she had been sitting for maybe 6 or 7 years and the carbs obviously haven't been vacuum synced yet. I did put some oil down the spark plug holes first.
A sincere thanks to all !

Thanks to all the GSers past and present, while i've only posted a few times I've read 100's if not 1000's of threads on here learning what to do and what not to do. Bikecliffs site has been ever so helpful to find the guides from the guys here and of course the manual and parts books all in one place etc .
so far completed
full carb rebuild, no short cuts i swear

new intake boots, new filter, new cleaner - airbox boot, waiting on some air box to carb boots, the old ones needed lots of hairdryer to get them on (nearly all the way on just 1-2mm short)
adjusted the valve clearances, only one out of spec #2 ex at 0.10, had the right shims to sort the others-- waiting on a new shim to fix that one)
new oil
new plugs
new AMG battery
cam chain tensioner rebuild
SH775 rec reg plugged in, still planning the install and shuffling around the bits on to the board. stator not tested yet, only just started last night yet, will do that before i remount everything to fit
petcock rebuild with suzuki bits - old diaphragm is OK
Koni shocks off to the Ikon factory for a service
tank inspected and its pretty good ( winning), so just getting the 8% vinegar treatment for a few days per side, hopefully that will clean out anything i cant see.
already has a dyna

so you can see why I'm ecstatic as I've invested a bit too much time into a bike i only heard start and run like crap the day i paid for it 2 years ago.. the gs400 took longer than expected
underway, or in the queue;
stator / charging test etc
front fork rebuild -- have all the bits, commenced but stopped to get her started first
new bearings front and back
new tires (which ones?)
front and rear caliper rebuild and paint, have them all dismantled, and have all the bits and pads ready except the caliper axles/ spindles for the front, on way from japan , slow boat i think. Got the braided line kit from Goodridge too !
swap out foam on seat to a new to me seat pan with zero rust

ride it ride it
pull it all down, clean out all the wiring, paint frame, paint engine, polish polish polish etc etc win lotto and buy stock pipes lol