Thought I would say hi and glad to be pointed in your direction...what a resource!
This is my first summer riding anything bigger than a moped, and I realize I made some of the classic mistakes (like buying a $300 fixer upper at the start of summer with the idea I would soon be riding it). I have a 1981 GS650L that was running well at one point, but the previous owner let it sit too long. I haven't been able to get it going yet. I knew I needed to deal with a frozen front brake, but there is clearly more to do (as you probably would have guessed

After getting a new battery and checking the ground connection, I'm still not getting power to the lights, instrument cluster, starter switch, etc. At one point, the headlight worked, and now it's just the taillight. Maybe the ignition switch? Fuse panel looks good, so I plan to try following all of the wires. Other problems include a gas cap that won't budge.
Anyway, I am mostly focusing on riding for now. I took Basic Rider, got my license, and bought a Honda 600 VLX that I take out most evenings to practice turns and stops in parking lots, followed by sunset cruises on country roads. I'm loving this! I figure I will work on the GS bit-by-bit. Worst will be my winter project!
I used to work on cars some back in the old days (when my more knowledgeable bro could get me out of hot water), but all of this bike stuff is new, so I am (kind of obsessively) hitting the books, videos, and websites.