But for the first time, Larry didn't start right away! 8O I was shocked, mortified, confused, and slightly sweaty. For the first time, Larry didn't fire up on the first couple turns of the starter. I was starting to get a bit worried...
What had happened, did I do something to him on the ride two days beforehand? Was the gas tainted? Had thieves broken in and stolen his will to live? Was Cartoon Network really picking up Futurama?
I tried the starter a second time and still Larry refused to start. This had never happened before. Ever since I had given him a fresh battery he had worked like a dream. He was still as ugly as the day I bought him but he ran better than any bike off the showroom floor. Some would say like a "raped ape" but I don't think I really appreciate that enough to use it.
Thinking more logically now I went over everything... Primed? Check. Kill Switch? Check. Neutral? Check. Clutch? Check.
Trying the starter a third time, still he refused to fire up...
Oh agony! Why must I be cursed so? Have the gods deemed me to suffer the fate of having all that is good in my life stripped from me right before my eyes leaving me with a poor hollow shell of a substitute? (I'm glad my girlfriend isn't reading this.)
Fourth try on the starter... Glimmer of hope... VROOOM!!