I was wondering if any others have named your bikes and have stories of how they came about. Thanks for reading. Chris.
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Names for our machines.
Names for our machines.
I just looked at the storie about a GS450 named Larry. I also have a name for my bike. My GS850 GLZ is AKA Bad Boy. I know most guys probably have fem names for thier bikes, but I like to think of my bike as my bud. I didn't actually name my bike. A girl named Michelle named it for me when she would always ask for a ride on my Bad Boy.
I was wondering if any others have named your bikes and have stories of how they came about. Thanks for reading. Chris.Tags: None
What is in a name?
Allrighty then I will kick this one off. Most of you are already aware that I call my little GS1150 the Tractor( note the capital T),unfortunately it is a some what short and boring story
Upon purchasing said steed I did explore it's capabilities a little( honest officer !)to discover that it had a rather useless apendage on the left hand side; which only need be used when required to bring said steed to a complete stand still (damn chicanes,or cages, or berms, or whatever you want to call them). Anyhoo, wheen required to bring the mighty Tractor to a standstill it seems to prefer if you exercise your left ankle a couple of times, then you move off again and go through the whole pointless exercise again.
This is one bike that only needs about three of its five gears.
So based upon its amazingly flexible engine and sheer grunt, I jokingly said one day that it was a Tractor and it stuck.
I hope you appreciate my attempts to fill the story in a little.
Re: Names for our machines.
Originally posted by chrisdnoelA girl named Michelle named it for me when she would always ask for a ride on my Bad Boy.
My bike is still named Larry. And for those who haven't heard the story... search the archives.
No, sorry... he had belonged to the wife of the guy I bought it from. The husband (Larry) had had a spare key made up and stamped it with "Larry's Key". I now use that key (not the original) when I ride.
GS450's Key = Larry's Key
Therefore the bike must be named Larry.
Bill + Karen
I call mine ~ "my little pack mule" and "Zeke" just sounded like a good name for him. He's got hard bags on which can really haul home the groceries. Good thing with 4 boys to feed. Ride on, Karen
1979 GS850...The Queen
My wife named my 850 "The Queen" because after I brought her home she took over the two car garage. My wife went out to the garage one night and saw the bike up on the centrestand in the middle of the garage surrounded by tools, parts, cleaning supplies, etc. She decided the bike looked so shiny and regal she had to be "The Queen". My wife pointed out the $36,000 van and $32,000 car now sit outside in the driveway while the $1200 motorcycle has the entire garage to herself.
My 1980 750 is called "Angus" because he's black like the Angus cattle and his cafe bars look like horns. I'm thinking of getting either bull's head sticker or a ranch brand type sticker to put on him. I guess I really am a cowgirl
my bike has a funny funny name. Firstly i must preface this by saying that i have no imagination for names, i have pets named what they are (a snake named snake, a cat named cat, and a dog named dog. im serious here) When i first went to go get my bike i did not have a key chain to put the key on and did not want my giant keychain to be draggin around on the bike so i did not want to put the key on my normal ring so i asked my girlfriend for a key chain, she gave me this monkey keychain that when you press on its head it makes screaming monkey sounds. When the bike is running the key chain keeps getting triggered and the monkey screams so i started referring to the bike as "The Screaming Monkey"
That is so cool. The screaming monkey. Hehhee.
I don't name any of mine. Well, I do name them when they are broken and I just cut myself while trying to fix it, but they don't stick and make mothers ears curl up and steam.
I'm with you though. The cat's name is "kitty" and the trucks name is "the 85" (for the 85), "the 89" or "the grey one" (for the 89) and my '81 was named "my baby, rest in pieces." My bike is just "my bike." Only my computers have names, but thats cause you can't have duplicates (even then its 'workstation' 'server' 'mac' 'sparc' etc).
Mine was named the "Blue Mower" by Dink 8O
apparently it is not a "Tractor", something to do with the amount of horsepower or lack there of :?
it is not quite big enough to be a ride on mower so just a Mower it is, and the Blue bit because it is Blue.
Trust Dink to come up with something like this
I think he is just relieved that I won't blow him into the weeds :twisted:
I think we all did this once before in a string that got lost during the great rebuild of the site... Anyway, my all white GS1100GZ is called "Bruce" Since the bike is big and white with a fairing and lowers, my buddies called it the great white! Since the Great White shark in the movie "Jaws" (one of my favorite films) was a mechanical beast called Bruce, the name sort'a stuck!
My '81 GS750E is named "'ol blue". No special reason. It is 21 years old, and blue. That's it.
Dave Ewart
Mount Vernon, OH
I started taking the 1100 down this weekend for the winter rebuild project and it got called a fews names, but they're not suitable for polite company.
Hold it what am I worried about, polite company here....
Just got a digital camera too and it's going to be a great documentation tool! Probably took over a 100 pictures so far.