Next day off to Montrose to see Karen's Dad. I was buzzing along between Keromeos and Osoyoos and I saw a bird on the road. No problem, it started to fly away, and then the stupid thing started to fly the other way! 8O I clipped it with the end of my throttle. I was sort of stunned and kept going for about a km. I then turned around and passed my wife. I motioned for her to turn around and high tailed it to the bird. As I thought, it was dead. Where the hell is Karen? I must have waited for 10 minutes so I thought, screw it, and grabbed the point and shoot out of my tank bag and got a picture of the bird. Unfortunately digital pictures only with this story. I caught up with Karen in Osoyoos, and she realized she hadn't reconized me when we passed! She thought that was an awful weird wave that guy had! We've been together for 15 years, and yes, she is blonde! :roll:
After a couple of nights with her Dad, it was off to Alberta. We stopped in Claresholm for a photo op at the "Bluebird Motel," as Karen works for "Bluebird Taxi" here in town. We decided to stay there that night, and were we ever glad we did! It has some "theme" rooms. We stayed in the "Home On The Range Room" that was like someone's old home! Lots of little nic-nacs, including a 1943 "Western Horseman" magazine! It was a reasonable price too, I think it was about $80CDN ($65 US). A definite must if you're in the area!
Next day we were off to Whitecourt. LOTS of rain. Crappy hotel. Towels that were starting to come apart, Canadian flag in tatters, and a diesel powered crane truck putting a new awning on the hotel at 6:55 am! Quality Inn my ass!

Grand Prairie, two nights. Everyone drives a pickup. No cars. I only saw three bikes, aside from the bikers that had hit town. Attended a wedding just north in Sexsmith. You really get a sense of how far North you are when you start seeing signs for Alaska! 8O
Next destination, Jasper, grey skies. Saw a herd of Harleys pull out of a Hotel just ahead of us and caught up with them at a gas station in Valleyview. I was guessing it was some sort of prospect run, as I saw only a couple of different colours. Most of them just had the bottom rocker, "Edmonton." My wife got a good chuckle when the gas station attendant asked if we were with them.

Later on down the divided highway I saw a truck with his headlights towards me. Hmmm. As I got closer, I saw clumps of stuff all over the road. It was the guy's laundry! The canopy had blown off of his truck, spewwing the contents all over the road! We stopped to help him, gathered up his stuff, but the canopy was pretty much toast. He left it at the side of the road. There was nothing else he could have done, not out there in the middle of nowhere.
Jasper, lots of wildlife RIGHT at the side of the road! I was very careful to obey the low speed limits through the park, as I didn't want to get up close and personal with a moose on my bike! 8O Found a hotel with a hot tub. Bonus! \

On to Kamloops to see relatives. Rain again. :roll: By the time we stopped for the day, Karen's hands were BLACK from the cheap dye in her gloves!

Next day, home. Did I mention it was raining again? :roll: Arrived back and figured we did about 3500km (2100mi). Bikes ran like champs, although the GS slurped back about a litre of oil 8-[ , whereas the Virago only went through about a 10th of that. Had to adjust the chain a couple of times. Average speed (for me) was about 120-130 km/hr (73-80 mi/hr) on the prairies, and 110-120km/hr (65-73 mi/hr) everywhere else.
Interesting notes;
Bikes we saw the most of;
1. Harleys ( even EXCLUDING bikers)
2. Gold Wings
3. BMWs
4. Triumphs
I think I saw one GS850, but can't be sure as we passed each other at a bit of a clip.
Saw a couple of older gentlemen (late 60's, early 70's) in Grande Prairie riding 650 BMWs. They were from Tennessee and Georgia! 8O
Oh yeah, PICTURES!