We,Andy,Joel--Pano and myself started out in the drizzle and wet.
We decided to take some highway until the weather cleared.
Ok, we went to far south.....and back tracked, no big deal,we're riding.
Andy with is trusty map and back on track.
We find some really nice twisty roads thru southern Ma and into Conencticut. We pull over in Stafford Springs at a French bakery.
This women's pastries were UNREAL. So much for me and the Atkins diet.
See the pcitures of her animals shaped breads, mostly turtles, but looked great. Off we go again thru Conn. Andy sees a squggly line that represents a road and we're off to find it.
We were pretty lucky, most of the roads we hit were freshly paved.
I noticed that the speed limits were ignored 8O

Like the sign would say 45mph, and I'd glance at the speedo, well lets say it was well over 45, by about 15-20 most of the time.

We get into NY and start finding twisty roads again. Lots of open farm lands. I never realized NY had so many horse farms. I guess they're pretty big on thoroughbred (sp?) horses.
We find the hotel, hot,bright sun, sweaty in the cordura clothing.
First thing I see.........HOOMGAR 8O 8O 8O

Polishing his 1000 out in front of the room.
Jen then comes over and we decide to go to the Irish pub next door.
7 hours later 8O I stagger back to the room.
See the picture of Pano and Jane the bartender

Sunday morning starts off with my wife calling,6AM!!, telling me the check engine light is on. She's in Sunnapee NH.....not much I can do, tell her to drive it. Now the hangover is in full bloom........
We take a ride to West Point. Fantastic views along the Hudson, and really nice pavement. A BMW, car, is right behind us and passes.
Andy and his trusty 1978 Honda 750F, is off in pursuit, to no avail.
We get to the academy, nope, can't get on.But the guard is nice enough to suggest a really nice road. Ok, cool.....
We ride into a small town for breakfast and final good byes to Mark and Jen. Now we start heading north and east.
Andy and the map finds the twists and turns.....yes he's good at it.
The hangover is starting to wear off, 4 advil helped.....
So away we go, ripping thru NY. More scenic views. We crossed on the Bear Mountain bridge..blew me away with the vistas,and the eagles along
the river. More horse farms, more smooth as glass pavement.
After 593 miles I was beat, very happy but beat.
A great trip, great ride with great riders.
Andy and I have ridden a couple of thousand miles together, in small and large groups. And will continue,I hope.
Joel, not so many niles, but getting there and a pleasure to ride with.
