my question comes from a conversation with one of the previous owners of my bike, he was a tenant of my buddies, and gave him the bike for some rent money, and I bought the bike.
So we are walking out of the house and into the garage and he off-handedly jokes "Hey, You got my bike about ready for me yet?"
I had to stop and think for a second, starting to add up all the expenses both financial, and labor costs. I responded that he probably wouldn't wanna pay the price. we all had a chuckle and cracked another beer.
but that got me thinking, just what value does this bike have to me? theres the initial cost-500 bucks, thats an easy one. I have reciepts for at least 1000 bucks in parts, some maybe not so necessary, but with my "inside contacts" manage a hefty discount on all my purchases, so retail value is much higher, say 1500 in parts and pieces, with a couple hun in new rubber and brake pads in the near future.
then the man hours, Ive spent probably a hundred hours in the garage, but Im not hittin it like its a job either. lets say 55-60 hours of hard work. thats including alot of wiring work, a particularly stubborn bolt removal. major engine workk, etc. details aren't really important.
SO- 2000.00 in cash and 60 hours at , whats my time worth, at least 20 bucks an hour although youd be hard pressed to even get me to do this for someone elses bike, for any price this side of reasonable. lets say 20 bucks an hour and add 1200 bucks.
3200 bucks. way over what the bikes worth and gonna be more soon. and in no way is the bike worth that on the open market. but she's not for sale, Im riding her till she won't go no more

So whats your bike worth to you?