I thought it might be my GSXR carbs acting up again. I have one
needle jet in the #1 carb that pops loose on occasion. It took me three or four times with the carbs on and off to discover the problem.
Now when it happens I can take off the dual K&N and see if the jet lifted up. It didn't.
Then I remembered I rode home in a torrential downpour last week and had stuttering problems with the bike.
I was also low on gas so I pulled into an AM/PM thinking I couldn't make it a 100 yards farther to the Chevron station.
I absolutely hate these gas stations. I don't trust their gas either, no reason really, the place is just inconvenient.
So I just put two gallons in thinking I would top off at a more respectable place. I rode home still having stuttering problems and parked it for a few days.
When I started it up a few days later I ran a few errands, and sessioned a ten turn road back and forth, then returned home.
The following day I ran a few more errands, 64 miles on the clock. I thought I had a full tank. The bike started stuttering again, but it was a dry cool sunny day.
I pulled the choke on, it ran better for about 50 yards then it felt like it was running on 2 cylinders, then I blipped the throttle and proceeded to pull out in front of an approaching semi and completely drain my float bowls. I pulled over on the next side street that was down hill.
It sputtered a bit and then died and I coasted to a stop a few blocks down.
At the time, I didn't consider the problem being no gas. I pulled the K&N off again to look at the needle, it was proper. Hmmm, what's the deal, I'm thinking.
I lift up my tank bag, pull the gas cap, have a look, shake around, not much shakin going on, 66 miles and its empty? A few more moments pass and I remember the AM/PM. I never topped off anywhere.
I walk up to the Lowes a half a mile away, buy a 2.5 gallon gas can walk a couple more blocks to the Chevron, walk back to the bike, maybe a mile total. Fill tank with entire contents, put the gas can in my tail pack, ride up to the same gas station and top off like I was supposed to do the week before. The bike was much happier with gas in the tank.
Pretty much a dork manuver.