After that I thought "Now Where To?" It was Sunny, about 64*F with a light Breeze, and Since Kentucky Lake is a Few miles East of town, I headed East! There is a Public Use area called Wildcat Creek about 10 Miles from Town down a Road with A FEW nice curves so that's where I headed. It was Cool enough that the Technic Leather Jacket felt pretty good except for some irritation under the chin fron the Velcro neck Closure. I read somewhere that Neck Warmers are a nice Cold Weather accessory and I think that would fix the Valcro thing so I think I need to get one.
Now, Back to the Ride!, During the Tourist Season the 2 Lane road to Wildcat is Clogged with Vehicles hauling Boats, Campers, Jet Skis and LOTS of other Recreational Stuff But Not Today! Very Light Traffic on a Really Nice Fall Day. The Leaves are Turning Here Now, The Brillient Reds and Yellows of Maples as well as assorted Hardwoods Really added to the View. As I approached the Park on an Even Narrower Road I slowed down to Check out the Foliage as well as some Really Outstanding Halloween Decorations some Folks had Out. Once in the Park, 20mph Speed Limit Reinforced by Speed Bumps every Quarter Mile or So Slowed Me down enough to do some Reflecting. I had Spent Many Hours at the Sandy Beach at Wildcat during My Teenage Years. My Old 68 Charger Knew that Road By Heart! I topped a Hill and There IT WAS! a Panaramic View of the Lake Surrounded by the Spectacular Scene of Changing Leaves! I'm GLAD I Went!
