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Trial by storm

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    Trial by storm

    When I got off work this morning the sky was cloudy and gray. The air was heavy with humidity;more akin to the gulf states than Kansas. As I rode west towards home I noticed two things- the LEO's parked alongside the road were not too concerned with traffic control and my instrument gauges began to glow like the Chesshire Cat's eyes. It was at this point that the engine began to sputter for lack of fuel so I hit my reserve and kept riding into the sprinkles.

    As I pulled up out of the river valley and into the hills visability dropped and I had to hit my high beam to see the road. The rain came down in sheets blowing down almost horizontally. I slowed down and started up a grade that corners to the west. As I hit the corner I could feel the bike start to hydroplane as the northwest wind pushed me accross the lanes. I could tell that the left lane was open so I kept gearing and slowing down till I could feel traction again at about 5 mph then went back into my lane.

    I slowly cruised the half-mile to the tiny semi-inhabited hamlet a head of me and parked the bike in the lee side of the defunct high school. I took shelter in the porch of the church and watched as the storm actually intensified bending the saplings in half and lashing the older trees. A vintage 1960's model Ford farm pickup almost hit my bike, the driver obviously not used to anything being parked there. (On his way back he stopped and told he me had fogged windows so we were lucky.) After about half an hour the storm abated and the Blue Witch and I headed home.

    That's what I love about my new transport, every ride is an adventure. I actually look forward to the commute. Now I have a dirty bike and a great memory.


    P.S. If someone will direct me to the "how to post pictures site" I'll get the photos from when she was clean.- Mc

    I went through something not as bad as that last night. Adventure is right!:-D


      Cool, dude! I rode through nearly the same as you described, but it was in April! I NEARLY FROZE TO DEATH! Glad to hear you survived with no lightening strikes.

