This bike was my introduction to GS’s and has been a worthy companion for the last three years.
I tell folks I bought her on accident on e-bay. I saw the bike, threw a bid of 550 on it and didn’t look at the ad again until I learned I had won the bike for 515.00. I then had to drive 3,000 miles round trip to pick it up. I have 6 brothers so I borrowed a truck from one of my brothers. New London Canada is a long way from rural Missouri outside of St. Louis.
The amount I didn’t know about this bike was endless. I did have the good fortune, after the regulator rectifier caught on fire, to take it to a shop for service. As luck would have it the mechanic in the shop had raced a GS750 in the “old days” and he really went through the bike very well. He assured me the 600 repair bill was a good deal.
Since that time I have replaced or added tires, stator, exhaust system, vetter fairing, brakes, coils, fork seals, head gasket and a number of cables and o-rings. She is a solid old matron and shows about 100,000 km on the clock.
As luck would have it, I was approached by an owner of a 1982 GS1100G, with the full Vetter package which has 20,000 miles on the clock and has had a much kinder life than mine. The current owner of this bike feels it is just bigger bike than they want and they made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.
Last night I took my G in GK’s clothing to my brothers home ( I have 6 brothers). He is overjoyed to have her and is scheduled for his motorcycle safety course in 7/7/6.
It is true that I have other GS’s but this was the first, the one I learned to ride and that connected me with the GS world. She will be missed.
"Adieu Maude"