Sounds easy enough.
Started by draining the oil and removing the filter and let it drain while I was doing my other maintenance. I took off the clubman bars and got the superbike bars on, replaced the switch while the bars were off, and went to put it all back together.
#1 snag. I touched the brake light switch to something and caused my main fuse not just to fail, but actually explode. Sounded like a gun shot.
OK, so I went on GSR to find out where the fuse was

#2 snag. The o-ring for the filter cover seemed a bit to big, but I used a little grease to keep it in the groove and put the cover back on. Then I filled the case with oil. Went back into the house for a well-deserved iced tea (It was VERY hot here this weekend) and sat on the couch for an hour in the AC.
I had a surprise party to go to, so I decided to let the brakes go 'til Sunday. Sunday morning, I find a puddle of fresh oil under my bike and noticed the filter cover o-ring was sticking out (I don't know how I missed that on saturday). I took the cover off, removed the now severed new o-ring, and thankfully had my old one handy. I put the old one back on (it wasn't too bad) and tightened up and didn't think about it. Took the bike to work monday, and noticed a puddle underneath my bike again. I thought maybe I didn't tighten the cover enough, so I tightened them, and wound up stripping one of the studs, I think. (it was leaking from the filter cover. i never had a leak before this weekend).
#3 snag. On sunday when I was doing the brakes, replacing thepads went smoothly, then I tried to loosen the bleeder screw and snapped it off flush with the caliper. It didn't come loose, so I'm not losing brake fluid, but I need to bleed the system. I went ahead and found a used caliper on ebay and bought it.
So now i have to replace the caliper, get that one acorn nut off (I also bought 3 new studs, nuts, washers, o-ring, drain plug and drain plug gasket from bike bandit), replace the studs, basically change the oil again, and bleed the brakes...
At least my front brake light switch works now
