A fellow From Missouri was on the Ferry as Well So I asked Him the Best Way to Make 160 from Dorena which is the Landing Point on the MO Side. He said "Follow Me and I'll get You going in the Right Direction." We Landed in the MO Bootheel with Corn and Beanfields as Far as You could See. I fell in behind His Pickup on the Infamous Missouri Lettered County Roads (Route A, B, etc.) After about 10 Miles He Pulled over at an Intersection and Said Take a Left Here. I Did and Soon Was approaching East Prarie Mo. I passed Through the Small Town and Soon Approached a
Smaller Town Where I stopped at the Grocery for a Bottled Water and More Direction. I asked inside about My Quest for #160 and a Lady Said "Let Me call My Husband, He's a Truck Driver". She Did and She Told Him Where I wanted to Go and Heard Her Say "No, He's on a Motorcycle". When She Hung Up She Said "He said it's No road for a Big Rig But would Be Fine For a Bike". Just What I wanted to Hear!
A Couple Miles Down the Road and a Right Turn and I was On My Way. 160 Begins at Poplar Bluff MO so I had to take 60 to There. 15 Miles or So on the Very Busy 60 and I was at Poplar Bluff. I had to Go Right through the Business District and out of Town a Few Miles and I was on 160. Traffic was almost Nil and the Road was Mostly Straight with a Few Rolling Hills. I soon Passed By Doniphan Whose Claim to Fame is It is Headquarters for Current River, a Popular Canoing Destination. After Passing over Current River the Terrain started Chainging, Getting a little More Hilly with a few More Curves. In a Few Miles, 160 Took a 90* Right Hand Turn and got even More Hilly and Curvy. I thought "Now this is What I'm Looking For!" Several More Miles and I Crossed Eleven Points River Where I took this Pic.

Soon, 160 Was Twisting Like Good Roller Coaster with the occasional Flat in Between Twisties. Several More Miles and I crossed Bull Shoals Lake near Theodocia Where I took thus Pic,

Refreshed, I Pressed On through Issabella, Theodocia, Briar, and a Few Other places whose Names have Left Me. The Only Town of any Size Between Poplar Bluff and Branson near the Other end is West Plains, Population 10,300 Where I considered Stopping for the Night but Elected to Press on Enjoying More Views Like This One.

I made Branson about Dusk and Set out to Find Casseville. After a Couple false Starts and trips into Nearby Arkansas I Rolled into the Super 8 in Casseville about 10:30. More about the Rally can be Found in the Meeting Place Forum but If You find Yourself with a Day to Kill on a Fun Road, MO 160 fills the Bill Nicely. Much More Personality than Big Brother Rt 60!:-D