My rear tire was low. I don't know why, but I did know it was low. I tried to fill it at a gas station yesterday but there just wasn't quite enough room between the hub and the valve for the nozzle to get a good fit. And I rode to a meeting Thursday night, 20 miles away.
Five miles into the ride back home, it's 9pm and I'm riding on the interstate, and I feel it, the weird floaty fishy feeling of there's no air in my rear tire.
Nice wide shoulder, I'm able to steer to it easily, and just think don't crash don't crash don't crash don't crash and I bring the bike to a controlled stop without issue.
I text my wife and call a buddy who has a pickup. He gets my coordinates and heads the 15 miles to where I am.
Lot of traffic going by, including bikes, but my bike is upright and I am too, so nobody stops for the distress.
Except my new friend Nate. Nate saw me at the side of the road and decided to turn around and ask about me. He's a biker and he has a towing business. He learns I'm okay and I have a buddy coming, and he offers to stick around and help load the bike into my buddy's truck, which was very nice. Tim brought a 2x8 ramp, and it was especially nice having three guys push a lame bike up it.
We bid farewell to Nate, and Tim drives me home. I get a neighbor to help unload the lame bike from the pickup, which we did less than gracefully but upright.
I guess tomorrow I'll be ordering a tire and figuring out how to remove my rear wheel. I will dutifully report in again with progress