(Here is is saying he is upset because has a small wang and suffers from little man's disease.)
Spam-hosting - 200$ ìåñ. Âûäåëåíí&# 251;å ñåðâåðà ïîä ñïàì-õîñòèíã - îò 500$ ìåñ. Ñïàì-ìàøèíû (äî 10 ìëí. ïèñåì â ñóòêè

(Here he is saying he has just purchased a clapped out 1980 GS450 that doesn't start, and the charging system doesn't work. He want's to know if anyone will take a Russian PayPal transfer in exchange for fixing his bike)
(áîëåå 30 òûñ. ðóññêîÿç&# 251;÷íûõ è èíîÿçû÷í&# 251;õ

(Here he is saying he is mad because he doesn't understand English, and says all americans are lazy, computer geeks)
õîñòèíã, ðåêëàìà â èíòåðíåò ;, ðàññûëêè ;, dedicated servers, âûäåëåíí&# 251;å ñåðâåðà, ðåãèñòðà&# 246;èÿ äîìåíîâ, ñïàì-õîñòèíã, sms, icq, âåá-äèçàéí, email-ðàññûëêè ; Email: spam@brestmarket.com
(and lastly he is saying he has just had a gender change surgeory, and now is female.)
