I installed a National Cycle windshield, universal crash hoop up front and dug through my bits and pieces and found a universal tail rack which I nstalled after makeing a couple brackets. On this I mounted an old trunk that my brother had given me and I removed from my old 1100 GL.
All this occured between January 02 and July 02. During that time I was in contact with a good friend who flies for Alaska Air named Joe http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w.../suzieq001.jpg and his brother Johny http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w.../suzieq001.jpg . Joe lived in Vancover WA. and Johny in Frisco.
Johny drove up to Joes house and came over the day before we were to leave, I was syncing the carbs on the 850 which Johny was to ride, when it quit, no spark and no time to fix the bike. I offered Johny the LT and told him that I would ride my Rebel, "oh my poor rear" thankfully they declined and head for the Honda shop three blocks away. There they bought a 750 clasic 25th. aniversy machine. This would be Johny's ride.
We would leave the next day at noon, no reason to rush things.
The forcast was for sunny, light winds and temps in the high 90s. The route would take us through 4 states, Or. Id. Mt. and Wa. on nothing but 2 lane rd. spanned over 8 days. A truely epic journey to contemplate.
The next post will include the route and the first few days of that trip.