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Trailered GK to Florida. Had a few rides. Nearly crashed.

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    Trailered GK to Florida. Had a few rides. Nearly crashed.

    Mostly packed up ready to head out.
    Single digit temps, blizzard wind, so waited till next day.

    Still single digit temps next morning, but overnight blizzard perrty much over. Still travel advisorys. This is I-196, not much traffic.

    Got to Lakeland area, was in upper 70s... Ahhh.
    Wife and I went for a few short rides (but thats a different story) from Lakeland area. Mostly to visit her folks in Polk City area.

    I had one day to myself for a longer ride.
    Followed DPEPs advice and took US33 north to 19 around and past a few lakes and thru the Ocala National Forest, kinda nice ride. Hey, any time I am riding in Febuary, its in the 70s, its a nice ride.

    From there then took 40 into Daytona Beach.
    Rode around Daytona without any direction, did find the ocean.

    But thats about all I found before it was time that I had to head back.

    Followed signs "to I-4" but that took me past the Daytona Speedway - four days before the 500. That was a crowded mess. All this time the clouds getting darker.

    Got out on I-4 to head back to Lakeland. Get up to full speed ahead, might just make it back in time for a previously aranged dinner with frinds also visiting the area.

    Kaboom-flash, a stroke of lightning, and about half a minute later a heavy downpour, heavy downpour like maybe I have seen only a few times in my life. The fairing is doing a good job of punching a hole thru all the water in the air, but the rain falling between the fairing and my face is causing me vision problems (face shield simipermanetly fix in open position- long story) with sun screen washing into my eyes. So I stop and hide under a gas station awning to put on rain gear and wipe off my face. Apparently with the downpour lots of cars got off highway and then wanted to gas up, lots of cars lineing up waiting for a spot at the pump, so I take out the gas pump nozzle and put it in my tank and act like I am filling up while putting on the rain gear.

    Head back out onto I-4, still a downpour. Traffic heavy and moving along at 55-60 mph. Then traffic slows to a near stop, then stop-n-go. Then find 5-6 cars off to side of road, with the yellow police tape around all of them, but no cops nor emergency vehicals around. Hum, thats strange.

    Traffic back up to speed, but having trouble with vision again, glasses all smeared up. SO I stop under an overpass to hide from rain, and clean off glasses, they probably were smeared up with the sunscrenn I wiped off my face, then got it on my glasses by using same handkerchief. SO this time I use my shirt tail to clean off glasses.

    Back out on the highway, up to speed, traffic moving along, then traffic to a stop, then stop-n-go. Same as before, find 3-4 cars parked on shoulder with yellow tape around them, no cops around.

    Then traffic back up to speed. By now its not raining so hard, but still raining some, roads still quite wet.
    I must have been fatiqued, or annoyed or something. Traffic was comming to slow down again, but I quess I didnt notice it right away, cuz here is what my thought process was:
    - Yikes. Brake brake brake..
    - Oh, not good, oh, approaching the back of this car pretty fast..
    - brake, brake, brake...
    - Oh, man, this is gonna be it, busted bike, broken bones, here comes the back of that car....
    - Ah, why did I let off the brakes? Oh, because I was fishtailing
    Then I dont think I had any further concious thought, but the bike straightened out and I reacted and countersteered to the line between the lanes and went inbetween the lanes of cars, and ended up rolling along next to the car that was infront of the one in front of me. Scheeww, that was close, gasp, pant, if the car had moved over, or if the bike hadnt straightend out, man, that would have been it.

    THis time the slowdown was a bad accident on other side, simi and crumpled up cars way up on embankment. Many cops and emergency vehicals, some on my side of the highway. I got to see a helocopter land on the other side.

    Then sun came out, upper 70s, I am wet in my rain gear. But I am not complaining.

    Made it back to Lakeland about an hour late. But had time to change into dry cloths and join our friends at a restraunt, just a little late. My hands were black from the glove dye, and the waiter noitices that my cash was wet. I dont mention the mear miss to anybody. This is the first telling of that part of the story. (and certain people dont need to know about it at all)

    Last edited by Redman; 02-25-2007, 04:43 PM. Reason: revised photos. Thanks Ms Fab
    Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
    GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl

    Had a couple more short rides.

    Headed back home to the land of the ice and snow after having 8 nice days in the 70s.

    Indiania welcomed me back with ovenight snow fall.

    And by the time I got back home to Michigan the bike was a mess. I think Indiana had more salt on the road than it did snow.

    Got out a couple buckets of water and a big sponge in quick order.

    Now wait for spring in about 8-10 weeks.
    Last edited by Redman; 02-24-2007, 06:03 PM. Reason: fussing with pictures....ARUGHHH
    Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
    GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl


      Sounds Like Quite the Adventure! Glad You and the Bike Made it back to the Frozen North in One Piece!:-D
      sigpic2002 KLR650 Ugly but fun!
      2001 KLR650 too pretty to get dirty

      Life is a balancing act, enjoy every day, "later" will come sooner than you think. Denying yourself joy now betting you will have health and money to enjoy life later is a bad bet.

      Where I've been Riding


        Glad you made it back safe. I know that stretch of I-4 all too well. There is a stretch between Daytona & DeBary/Deltona that is infamous for black ice. I spun out in it once in my '98 Mustang, and was just damn lucky no one was directly behind me. I spun out right after seeing two cars off in a ditch. I didn't use brakes, wasn't going too fast, I just started spinning. Fortunately it happened where there was a lot of grass on the road side ditch where I ended up and no trees. Didn't hurt the car, either, and people actually stopped to make sure we were ok.

        When I lived there, the normal big slow down point was Maitland, just before Orlando and after the bridge that goes over the St. John's River, unless there was an accident on the bridge. Maitland was where I got rear ended in my '91 (2 years old) Cavalier by a semi. He said "I looked up, and there you were" but why he was looking down at a normal stop and go point was never learned.

        Anyway, it can be a very dangerous road. Tourists, anxious truckers and fed up locals who succumb to road rage and impatience. Add intense heat, followed by sudden rain and the oils that come up on the surface can be a very deadly combination.

        My guess is that you used up a lot of your mental resources and electrolytes in the rain, then when the rain stopped, relief washed over you and tricked you into thinking it would be smooth sailing after that. Rarely the case in FL. Someone is always out to kill you on those roads, and coming to stops for big traffic backups can happen anywhere.

        It could have been much, much worse, but I'm sure you know that. Glad you weathered it well and lived to tell us about it!


          Hey Dave! I'm not ignoring you. Glad you got some winter riding in. I swear Verizon is the most disfunctional company in America. Thanks to them I've had no email and very iffy DSL service for two weeks, not to mention I've probably given a large number of Indian citizens more reason to hate America. Any how, being able to ride all year sucks but somehow we suffer through it \\/ .

          PS. We had winter a week or two ago, or was it three or four? Oh well, who's counting?
          Last edited by Guest; 02-19-2007, 11:01 PM.


            Got pictures straightened out.
            Had a space in the photo albumn name (not in photo file, the photo albumn name), caused problem with one photo but not the other. Anyway thanks to Mrs Fabulous for the words of wisdom relative to that.
            Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
            GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl



              Glad you made it through the adventure unscathed! Hope to see you in Brown County soon!!



                Some of the best adventures are the ones that almost end in catastrophe....but don't!!!\\/


                  You know, before I left for the trip I looked at the tires. The rear was worn, could barley see tread in the middle. I said, "Ah, that will be okay.".

                  Now, after the incident of sliding sideways, I look at the rear tire and say, "You big dummy."

                  Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
                  GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl


