But am not complaining.
Here is one thing I did today. Went cross country skiing with my son and daughter-in-law. Am quite thankfull to be able to do that. Here we are being goofey.
Here, I will tell you why I am so thankfull to be able to do something like this. Two years ago my son may not have had the strength to do something like this on any given day. Last year January he had major surgery, and then had some complications, and then some follow up surgery in July, and had more complications. By ealrly fall he was doing so much better, was back to work and back on his bike (SV650). Later that fall he wiped out on his bike. He cant say too much about what happened, only remembered going wide and front tire dropping into a hole in pavement at edge of road, and then wakeing up for a moment as being loaded in ambulance and again in emergency room. The evidence of the damage to his bike, helmet, boots and jacket seems consitient with the cops report. Apparently Justin did about 200 feet of pavement surfing on his face (well, face of his full face helmet) while unconcious, with bike fairly close. Not really sure how one can run wide off the side of the road in a curve and have bike and body stay on the road surface, but that is what happend (rather than bouncing thru ditch and smacking into fence post and trees). His most severe injurys were 3 shattered fingers (from brake lever hitting pavement we figure). So he was back in hospitall for more surgery.
SO there are a couple reason why I am thankfull for being able to go cross country skiiing (or anything) with my son. I see him maybe once or twice a month, but I thank God most everyday day for how well Justin is doing.
Maybe in 6 or 8 weeks we can go for mo'cykl ride together.