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My throttle got stuck WOT today
My throttle got stuck WOT today
Ive only had my bike for about 3 weeks now and me and my wife were riding down caldwell ave which is a rather large four lane road. Well i gave it almost WOT for a sec to pass this car and when i let off the gas the bike kept going!..I had thought about this senario before."it had happened to me before on a birt bike,i jumped off though and was fine". Anyway i flipped the kill switch and the engine died i coasted for about 40ft. Then turned the switch to on and popped the clutch and the engine went whaaaaaa, so i turned it back off. I pulled over and my wife got off i looked under the tank and cracked the throttle at the same time and the clutch cable was hooking on the throttle when it is wide open preventing it from closing all the way! so i moved the cable over and blipped the gas again and everythings was working normal again...You know theres only a handfull of things i hate and WOT throttle sticking is one of them have any of you guys had something like this happen to you?Tags: None
My wife dumpped my bike within 24 hours of me getting it for a similar reason... only stuck at about 2/3, but it was enough to change her line in a corner right into the back of a jeep. Opened up her line a little and went into the grass. Bent a fork ear, that's all, oof yeah, she was bruised up a bit too.
My Honda has both push & pull throttle connections, but I just got it and it only has the pull cable on it now, which broke right after I got it. I was told the push cable was a safety feature and could operate without it... well, this story made me decide to go ahead and order them both!!
Glad you managed to get through that one without any damage!
Manny years ago had it happen on a car, no big deal luckly. shut the ign key off
all of this new technology with fly by wire seems scary
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Never had it happen on a bike, but I did have it once on a car. My old Sprite (which was not exactly stock) managed over 9000 RPM in first gear before I decided it should be shut down. With a custom exhaust that lost back pressure under full throttle, it gave out quite a sound.A take-away:
Back in 1973 I had just traded in my first bike a 72' Suzuki TS90 for a brand new 1973 TS185. The salesman showed me a couple of things and off I rode. I had gone about 1 mile when as I was puling up to a traffic light in the Left turn lane. I pulled the clutch in and I noticed the bike was still running about 4000 RPM. I twisted the throttle and when I did that it went full out. I was sitting in the middle of a busy intersection on a brand new bike that was sitting there wide open. I really thought the thing was going to blow up right under my ASS![-o< [-o<. I turned the key to the off position and it kept running! I hit the kill switch and it kept running! I reached down and pulled the plug wire and it kept running! Finally I was able to push the bike thru the intersection get it up on the sidewalk. I had the clutch pulled in I grabbed the front brake, braced myself popped the clutch and finally it died. Man was that a fun day.
Originally posted by MissFabulous View PostMy Honda has both push & pull throttle connections, but I just got it and it only has the pull cable on it now, which broke right after I got it. I was told the push cable was a safety feature and could operate without it... well, this story made me decide to go ahead and order them both!!
Glad you managed to get through that one without any damage!
Originally posted by Commodus View PostWow, thank heavens you decided to get them both. That's kind of important! :-D:) The road to hell is paved with good intentions......................................
GS 850GN JE 894 10.5-1 pistons, Barnett Clutch, C-W 4-1, B-B MPD Ignition, Progressive suspension, Sport Demons. Sold
GS 850GT JE 1023 11-1 pistons. Sold
GS1150ES3 stock, V&H 4-1. Sold
GS1100GD, future resto project. Sold
Originally posted by MissFabulous View PostMy Honda has both push & pull throttle connections, but I just got it and it only has the pull cable on it now, which broke right after I got it. I was told the push cable was a safety feature and could operate without it... well, this story made me decide to go ahead and order them both!!
Glad you managed to get through that one without any damage!
Originally posted by argonsagas View PostNever had it happen on a bike, but I did have it once on a car. My old Sprite (which was not exactly stock) managed over 9000 RPM in first gear before I decided it should be shut down. With a custom exhaust that lost back pressure under full throttle, it gave out quite a sound.
Had it happen in a car when I was about 18 and what made it worse was that I was approaching a dead end street.
That was scary but on a bike...............change of underpants for sure
Originally posted by ard View Postmy 900 ninja is push and pull, for a while I used with only pull, and it was okay but not as crisp.
My 400 seems to have the same problem. (Not that it's running yet...) It does have a spring in it, but it's not a good one. The return cable got cut off the first day we got my bike in order to pull the carbs off because no one could see where it hooked or how to take it off. There will be a new one going on, though, and now we won't have to cut it again. ;-)