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The Mighty GK is going to Monument Valley!

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    The Mighty GK is going to Monument Valley!

    I knew I was dreaming! Timing, communication, etc. appears to be taking its toll on the "1st Annual Four Corners Rally"! There's still a slight chance that 1 or 2 others might be able to meet up with me in Mexican Hat, UT this Friday, but its looking like this will be a solo journey!

    I got the 1982 GS1100GK last year. Found it in Denver with all of 1,200 original miles on her! I had plans to take off the fairing and luggage to strip 'er down and make it look more like a G model. That was until I rode through the winter! I quickly realized that the GK's fairing had some serious advantages in cold weather riding, so I found a windshield on eBay, stuck it on and rode comfortably through the winter (with the help of those awesome 1st Gear Overpants!). I've been able to take some great rides on her and she's now got about 3,000 miles on the clock. But I've never taken a trip longer than 200 miles or so...

    ...that's all about to change! As soon as I get her back from the shop (hopefully by Wednesday!) then I'll be reinstalling the saddle bags & checking everything over for my journey to Mexican Hat, UT on Friday. I hope to get there by 7PM or so, relax with a Cowboy Steak & beer then off to the TP for the evening to recover from the 330 mi. + jaunt up there (Albuquerque to Mexican Hat) - I'm trying to attach a pic of the "TP" I'm staying's at the Mexican Hat lodge for the bargain price of $50!

    Saturday I get to cruise amongst some of the most beautiful scenery in the country...Monument Valley, Valley of the Gods, etc. then make my way over to Durango, CO for Saturday evening. I hope to meet up with a fellow GSer when in Durango and go for a quick cruise on Sunday before heading back to The Land of Enchantment (NM) on Sunday afternoon. By my rough calculations, I'm looking at a 1,000-1,500 mile weekend! I'm so excited and having a tough time thinking about anything else!!! \\/

    This is my first real tour on the GK and I'm really looking forward to it. Love that bike & love the Four Corners area - CAN'T WAIT!!! I'll be sure to post pics & ride report on this thread. Wish me luck! (no rain, no rain, no rain!) :-D[IMG]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/RPWILS%7E1.HYA/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot-1.jpg[/IMG]

    Three hundred mile ride on a GK is nothing Have fun



      SqDacer, is that a GSX1400G in your avatar? Kinda looks like one...


        Sweet Ride!!!

        It was a fantastic weekend. I could have done without some of the issues I was dealing with on the GK, but all in all, great ride & great weather!\\/

        A BIG thank you to the following members for their assistance & guidance with the GK before the trip:

        I wish all I had to deal with was putting the luggage back on, but I'm having a float valve issue and getting gas in the oil. Had to do several oil changes during the trip! Thanks again guys!:-D

        I'll post more details & pics later...hopefully this evening. Now I'm trying to get caught up here at work and I have to start scheming the next adventure! \\/


          Congrats on the ride!

          Hey 80sGSfan,

          Congrats on completing the ride. even if you had some troubles. It is a very cool accomplishment to make a ride that long. Now you will be ready for more! Maybe the Western States Rally in Yosemite and Lake Tahoe?!!!

          I am so sorry I couldn't make it and I can't wait to hear more details and see the photos.



            Alright, finally got some pics uploaded! Hope this works. Follow the link, but you have to start from the last picture and move backwards through them for a chronological order:

            Let me know if you guys can view 'em - my first time using photobucket...

            The weather couldn't have been better, the scenery was unbelievable and I just kept thinking about how lucky I am to live in this part of the country. I could have done without the fuel flooding into my engine and airbox, but hey, she's a GS and performed flawlessly nonetheless! So, about 4 oil changes in 3 days, but I finally figured out that the fuel getting into the airbox was a gravity issue and realized that if I kept her parked overnight I had to have minimal fuel in the tank and keep her on the center stand. I don't think I've mentioned that I came across some metal shavings in the oil filter hub. They're from the fuel getting in the engine and washing out all the nooks & crannies - thank goodness! After a carb rebuild, new in-line fuel filter and a new K&N air filter she should be back in tip top shape! I am now debating if I want to try & tackle the carbs myself, or just have the mechanic do it...I've also got a decent amount of work to do on the 850, so I'm thinking about working on the 850 myself & taking the GK's carbs to the mechanic...we'll see!

            Fantastic trip, Mexican Hat couldn't have been a better starting point - I highly recommend this area for anyone living near the 4 Corners. Let me know if you're interested and I can give you the names of some great roads. I can't wait to get back to the area! Perhaps with some more advance planning, a ride later this summer/fall or Spring 2008???


              oh yeah...

              781 was the final milage total...\\/



                Yah, can get at your photo album.
                I like the pics that show the scenery with bike in foreground. And I like the shots that show the road, with bike in foreground, give an idea of what the ride was like.

                Thanks for posting.

                Oh, I dont recall specifiacally, but some where in photobucket there is an option for what order to show the pics, I think either in foward or reverse order from what they were uploaded.
                Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
                GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl



                  Sweet Ride

                  Hey 80sGSfan,

                  I finally got back on here to see your photos. They're great and it looks like it was a sweet ride. Bummer about the carb issue.

                  If you haven't done your carbs yet, you should consider this guy: Wired George. That is, he is a specialist in our carbs and does hundreds of them a year. His prices weren't any more than any shop I checked with and better than most. I am just sending mine to him, but he know the jetting and will rejet for you if it isn't right. Anyway, you could do it yourself, but I decided to have the pro do mine.

