Old Liberty Road or as us local riders call it the "mini dragon". 7 miles with about 60-70 sharp curves, switchbacks and multiple esses.I was having a blast buzzing along in 4th 5500-6000rpm taking 30 mph curves at 60 (it felt like 30 to me)it was early evening around 6:30 and hardly any traffic.
When you get to the end you can either turn around and do it again or take the superslab back to town. with the sun starting to set and me with a clear shield, I opted for the slab.Thats one road you don't want to be on with the sun in your eyes with on coming traffic.
So enough of the twisty bits, lets see how she runs on the big end. I drop in down in 2nd and start clicking off gears coming down the ramp.
no cars coming behind , none ahead, and a 5 mile fence between the lanes so no smokies can turn around and give chase. its the perfect place to let er eat.shifting from 3rd to 4th the speedo is bouncing off 85,pegged
I stay in it into high gear and get into a crouch.I'm singing the speed racer theme song in my head, the bike feels solid as a rock. Then all of a sudden it starts losing rpms and slowing down and I haven't let off one bit.
oh @#$% I've blown it up!! I come up on my exit ramp and start to slow down, pull in the clutch and it revs up just fine..WTF??? I take off again and its running just like it was before I flushed out the carbs. like it wasn't getting enough gas as quick as it should. like maybe half power. So I'm putting down the road around 50mph when I look down on my right side and see the vent hose for the carbs had gotten blown out from under the motor and was just dangling in the breeze. I reach down and tuck it back in under the carbs in the flat of the motor. bwwaaaap!!!!! it was like a shot of NOS. It took back off like a scalded dog!! Problem solved...and to think I was ****ing and moaning over on the tech forum about why is my bike doing this and that and I don't know what it could be, yada yada yada. come to find out it was something as simple as a vent hose not being in the right place. I got the one on the left taken off and just leave the right side one on for priming the bowls after its been sitting a while.
saves alot of wear and tear on the battery and starter.
So thats what was probably wrong with my bike all along. Well at least I got the cleanest carbs in town!!!](*,)