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A bee in the bonnet...

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    "But I really hate bees" Earl,.... Yellow jackets and hornets are the worst, I guess because they were already mad before they hit you. I have actually caught (under my shirt) and released two small bumble bees. I guess they were too loopy to even think about stinging. Safe Riding,Bill


      Well this fits in with my last post under 'well since the forums are up and running' or something similar. On my way home from my accident, I was hit by a bee in the throat at 110 km/hr or so. Ouch, choke cough! I never slowed or pulled over as I'd been dinged before and nothing came of it.
      So about 10 minuted later, I'd forgotten the hit and was concentrating on getting through a curve when WHAM! OUCH! That bee woke up after his first hit and hit me back right in the collarbone. Well since I'd just had an accident I thought that maybe I'd broken my collarbone and just didn't notice til now. I sweated the last ten minutes home and took off my jacket to find the little jerk, whom I smushed into a paste. Phew, I was okay!


        I was on my way home from work one day and had the visor open on my helmet, I heard a clunk and then saw what had caused it. A bee had bounced off the padding near my face and on to the INSIDE of the left lense of my glasses. This thing was still alive and was crawling around the lense. I was doing about 50 or so and couldn't just yank on the brakes so I tried taking off my glasses with one hand. (try this if you wear them with a full face helmet). I did get them off and as soon as I did the bee took off. Cool! now I can't see s**t and I've got my glasses laying in my lap. Getting them back on one handed is even tougher. So I finally got stopped and got my eyes back on and let the adrenalin flow out... I think ( hope) it was adrenalin....


          I've had a few dazed bees in the helmet, no stings, just near-crashes trying to get the bike stopped. I did get stung on the inner thigh after a bee hit my knee and was deflected in. The most memorable impact was on I-70, coming down from the mountains into Denver. I had a full fairing and a full face helmet (visor down) when something (large bug or small bird) came from the right and nailed me at about eye level. It scared me more than anything, especially since I had assumed that the fairing would keep little critters out of my personal space. I'm quite sure that something serious would have happened if I hadn't been wearing the helmet. I think of that incident when I see kids here in Indiana riding their sportbikes without helmets OR glasses/goggles! I'm sure there is a law prohibiting that and I wish the police would enforce it for the kids' own safety. I wonder if there is a sportbike forum out there with the topic heading "How a bee stung me in the brain after flying through my eye socket..."


            It's almost funny how ironic some of these topics are and the timing in which I read them. Last Friday, I was riding home after a trip to Baltimore Maryland. I had the visor on my helmet open trying to vent a bit due to the heat. Along came this huge bee and smacked me right in the right cheek at 65 mph. "Ouch", I think, but all is well. About 5 seconds later,I feel the critter moving around between my cheek and the padding, working his way toward my ear. Ok, now we have a problem 8O !!!! I know that I must have looked quite comical ripping my glasses and helmet off as fast as I could! I could not help but laugh afterwards because I had read this posting just a short time ago. Timing is beautiful....


              I was in Hawaii, riding my R100M BMW when I saw something fly up around my friend's bike in front and I got hit by some sort of gravel. Full face and windscreen, but the gravel turned out to be a swarm of bees and at least 10 or so managed to get my neck and along the top of my jacket.
              Lots of traffic in the fast lane, so unable to get over quickly. WoooHooo, I am surely glad I wasn't allergic! My whole neck area swelled up. Luckily, my buddies were other Paramedics and kept watch, although there were lots of jokes about not bugging them, etc.


                Originally posted by Motomedic
                so unable to get over quickly. WoooHooo, etc.
                Having felt the sting a time or two myself, Your comment got me to laughing aloud


                  Same here...

                  I had one fly up into my open visor on my full helmet. It didn't sting me, but it scared the hell out of me when it was buzzing around in my helmet! I quickly grabbed the helmet, flipped up the visor and held the helmet over as far as I could to get the wind blowing through it to get the bugger out of there. Was a worrysome ten seconds!

                  I don't know if I've said this here before, but I used to work with someone who had actually gotten shot off his bike. At least that's what he said thinks happened. Way he figured it, someone was shooting in the woods perpendicular to the road. He came along and hit the bullet as it was travelling across the road. Says whatever it was, it just knocked him clear off his bike and skipping down the road...said he won't ever ride a bike again.



                    Jeeeeezus H. Christ.......Shot off a bike!!!!!!!!! 8O ....Now that certainly takes the cake in my book.


                      Re: Same here...

                      Originally posted by thebigbadwolf72
                      I had one fly up into my open visor on my full helmet. It didn't sting me, but it scared the hell out of me when it was buzzing around in my helmet! I quickly grabbed the helmet, flipped up the visor and held the helmet over as far as I could to get the wind blowing through it to get the bugger out of there. Was a worrysome ten seconds!

                      I don't know if I've said this here before, but I used to work with someone who had actually gotten shot off his bike. At least that's what he said thinks happened. Way he figured it, someone was shooting in the woods perpendicular to the road. He came along and hit the bullet as it was travelling across the road. Says whatever it was, it just knocked him clear off his bike and skipping down the road...said he won't ever ride a bike again.
                      Afriend of mine said he was abducted by aliens and they took the bike with him--when he got back it had flatslides and a big bore kit installed


                        Originally posted by Don Lobacz
                        I'm sure there is a law prohibiting that and I wish the police would enforce it for the kids' own safety.
                        Here in Indiana, my understanding is the only time you are required to wear a helmet is when you are on a learners permit. Once you get a full endorsement, you can ride without a helmet if you so desired.

                        Personally, mine will always be worn.


                          Hey Slowpoke,
                          At least that's what he told his wife when she got the bill.[/quote]


                            Originally posted by Motomedic
                            Hey Slowpoke,
                            At least that's what he told his wife when she got the bill.
                            Maybe something that works can come from my stupid remark :roll:


                              BZZZ..BBBZZZZ...sting sting!!!

                              Oh god!!
                              Oh Im laughing so hard it hurts
                              I got a bee down the know the tiny triangle between the top of the jacket and the lower lip of the helmet.
                              It must have been quite the sight of me punching myself in the abdomen over and over rolling down the road at thirty five trying to nail the sucker ....didn't work, he got me two times. 8O


                                Late 70's, riding a Kawasaki 175 enduro style bike, returning from a mountain ride, about 2 miles from my parents' house, probably doing about 40 mph, caught some sort of bee dead center at the base of my neck. Never saw what variety it was, but it was as if he hit tail first. Continued on to Dad's house; cleaned up, laid down. I'd had some mild allergic reactions in the past (first one was from a bee up my shirt sleeve while riding bicycle at a leisurely pace maybe 10 years earlier), so when I felt my lips getting numb, we headed for the emergency room. After a shot and some observation time, all was well.

