I finished My Honey dos this Morning and the Wife left for a Baby Shower about Noon. I donned My Gear and Headed out with No specific destination in mind and No where to be until this evening. I headed Southwest from the house and spent the next Hour Hopping back and Forth between KY and Tennessee on Rural Blacktop Roads. At each Stop I alternated between Right and Left until I came to a Sign at the Tenn. State Line that Said "End of State Maintenance". I decided turning around was the best course of action and did so.
This Morning is the first time the Temp. has dipped below 50* since early last spring and You could tell the Wildlife is taking the hint to Fatten Up before Winter. I had close encounters with Wild Turkeys,Rabbits, Deer, and Scariest of all, a Teenage Girl in a Big Sedan talking on a Cellphone!:shock:
I eventually found Myself in Water Vally KY in Graves County where I saw a Sign for "Camp Beauregard". I had been there Once many years ago but had pretty much forgotten
about it so I decided to check it out. It is actually a Cemetary that sits on a small hill that overlooks the surrounding countryside off a Two Lane blacktop Road. You can see the Large Monument Erected by the Daughters of the Confederacy about 1/4 Mile before You get to the turn off. I parked the bike at the gate and walked over to the Monument which is inscribed with words to the effect that it is in Honor of the Confederate soldiers who perished there between Sept. 1861 and Feb. 1862 from Yellow fever, Typhoid and Pneumonia (1500 in all) and thus were denied the Glory of Fighting in Battle to Defend the CSA. There are Many individual Tombstones dated 1861-1862 but a Large number were Buried in a Mass Grave. I wish I had the camera but the Wife had it. I will return and take pics soon.

The View from Beauregard Cemetary

The Monument marking the Mass Grave