I 80 in Omaha has 2-5 lanes and these guys are all over. We would never be confused with a group of BMW Riders;no precision here. Cars were passed on the left,the right.two abreast,everything crazy. I'm patient and we get into a gap berween cars and settle down and I relax a bit. Maybe the egos will back off and we can ride in a sane manner.
In a somewhat staggered formation we head towards Iowa at about 70-85MPH (quite the slinky affect) Looking ahead there's a clear plastic bag wafting above the road ahead. As each bike passed it it would react to the blast of wind current of the bike going by. The bike in front of me (in the slot) ran it over and it shot over and up and,you guessed it,wrapped around my head catching on the brake master cylinder. No panic,pulled it off my face and flicked it over my shoulder. That's when I found out it was snagged on the master cylinder. While it never inflated completely,it caught enough air to make steering a struggle. I put on my turn signal and got off the road. I put the bag in my tank bag and took off to catch up to the group. It took me about 4 miles to catch up to the group (at about 85MPH,I'm not really comfortable at higher speeds for extended times on the 650,she handles somewhat like a shopping cart) We get to the first stop and many remember that pesky bag. No one knew I wasn't always with the group! No one looked back,let alone stopped to see if I was OK! Thanks guys!
The run lasted about 135 miles. My riding will never be confused with Earl's,Planecrazy,Jethro,or any of the guys who use all their tires. I was astounded how slow they went through the turns. The ride was through the Loess Hills with some nice curves,55 mph speed limits except in curves,which were marked less. The group reached 70MPH in the straights regularly yet never exceeded the speed limit in the curves. I took to backing off 50 yards coming into curves to try to avoid braking while in the curves. That didn't always work. I realized the skill level was very low,even guys who have had licenses for 20 plus years. It's sad and astounding at the same time. I'm debating if I'll want to do this again. It wasn't that much fun.