As I'm looking around the area I see an ASE certified Repair shop in the other half of the building the Shell store is in. I went in and asked the clerk if they worked on Saturday and He said 8:00. It was now 7:50 so I waited a few minutes and the Mechanic showed up. I went in and told Him I needed a Jump and He said "no Problem". First He put a Tester on the Battery and Said the Battery is good. We hooked up the Jumper cables and no Luck. He went in and got a small hammer and got under the front end and tapped on the starter and had Me try again, Nothing. He said "Man, looks like Your starter is Toast!" I explained to Him where I was Heading and that I needed to get back on the Road and He said "Let Me make a Call". He called the local Auto Zone and they had a Remanufactured One in Stock. He said He could do it but He had another Customer with an Appointment coming first. What choice did I have! The other Guy showed up and turned out to be a Real Friendly, Talkative. Traveling Salesman Who puts 4000 Miles a month on a Chevy Cavalier! He was in for His every Two week oil change and to get His tires rotated. We had a nice conversation and in the mean time My starter showed Up. As soon as the other Guy left, the Mechanic started on Mine and in less that an Hour He was done. I'm thinking "How bad will this be" as I get out the Credit card. He figures up the bill and it is $166.38 and the Starter was $109 of that. I'm Elated, Shook His hand and off I go into Indiana.
I cleared Evansville pretty easily and Headed up U.S. 41 Toward Terre Haught. The terrain soon went from Rolling Hills near the Ohio River to Flat as a Pancake as I rolled through Water Mellon Country. At Terre Haught I headed East on I-70 through the countryside. The deer along 70 are having a bad time with Semis from the carnage along the Road. My MSN Maps Directions were on the Money and I got to Brian's to Find a Maroon GS1100G out front and Brett (griffin) in the Driveway talking to Brian. Soon George (koolaid kid) showed up and We went over to get the GSX1100. The extra Muscle was much appreciated when it came to getting the bike on the Trailer and Secured.

When We got back to Brian's. Brett headed home and Myself, George, and Brian and Marge went to a Mexican Restauant for a late lunch. When We got back Brian and Myself went to work on a couple of Known issues on the bike which I had already gotten parts for from Bike Bandit. Brian changed out the Slave Cylinder on the Hyd. clutch while I changed out the Clutch and Brake levers (the PO didn't ride much but His garage was rough on the Bike!

Here is another reason that Fall is a nice time for a Road Trip in the Heartland.
