Friday night I got the tank all back together and promised myself I'd get it back on Saturday. The boss had some different ideas for Saturday but I figured I'd head her off at the pass and dive right in Saturday morning. I got most of the gripe list done by noon so after a quick lunch on to the bike.
Now I'm not sure what the problem was but I could not for the life of me get the tank on square. The back two retaining bolts would not line up. Only a cm or two out but no end of pushing , pulling, slapping or levering seemed to help. Finally, I got one in then with 1/2 hour more cussing number two. Oddly enough, the hoses which are usually a pain slipped right on. Poured in 10 liters of joy juice and some Seafoam slapped in the fully charged battery, turned the key, proded the button and nothing?????? Abit of head scratching, key jiggling, button pushing and still nada.
By now I'm about 3 hours into fiddling and getting annoyed. Pulled the battery and dropped in the one form the XS. Cranking immediately but no fire in the hole. More head scratching. Check battery #1 about 13.2 volts Should be tons. Drop it back in, clean terminals and refix. Turn key, prod button. Crank, crank, crank then Kaboom. We got fire. I feel like a caveman or Tom Hanks in that castaway movie when he make a fire on the beach. don't know what happened at first but shes running.
Still had the fairing, fender and tail with turn signals to go back on but I saved that for today.
Up at the crack of dawn...wel 10 a.m. anyway. Quick brekkie and into the man room. Suns shining and its 34 F...great day for a scoot. Two more hours of fiddling ( I really must put nuts and bolts in a bag and label them!!!) and she's all bolted back together. Yeah I'm goin for a scoot....wrong.....can't get her off the jack.
I've had this problem a time or two before. The jack will go up and will come down to a certain point but it hangs up with the bike about 2 inches off the floor. After rocking and hitting it with a hammer I give up and call on the kids for help. Luckily muscle bound son and equally muscled daughters male friend are available and oh you weant us to lift that bike of the might as well have been a 60cc moped for the ease with which they got it off. Thanks guys.
Quick lunch and I'm into the leathers. Full choke turn key thumb button and I'm cranking and ready for the first run of '08

Cool weather wise but so much fun. Saw a couple of Hardleys but no sport dudes. They must have been enjoying themselves as well as they even waved to me.:-D
Bebopped around for an hour or so and she ran like a banshee. Twist o the wrist and I was flying once much fun\\

Got home with a grin from ear to ear and felt fine...'til I stepped in the house then I started feeling cold. O for a hot tub!
Jumped in the shower...cranked up the heat and stood there witha brew 'til the skin came pink.
What a great weekend!
Hope you all had a good one.