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Re:GS 850 keys left in bike

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    Re:GS 850 keys left in bike

    Hi Everyone,

    This is my first post, I was riding my GSX 750 into my local town, I noticed a GS 850 parked with keys in the ignition. I coudn't believe my eyes there was nobody about at the time, and no way I could leave the keys so I decided to take the keys out and put them in his tank bag. I just hope that he found them and was able to get home.

    If you where the rider I hope you got home ok. The bike was not there the next day anyway.


    AlanMac :-D

    I have had co-workers leave their key in their bikes before, and I have to admit I've done it a few times. It's one of those things that when you get off your bike thinking about removing your helmet, taking riding gear off, pulling things out of your saddlebags, etc.....that you forget to do. I try to do it first so as not to forget. Putting it in the tank bag was probably fine, but if he didn't have one I would leave it alone, or maybe put it in the helmet lock. Just somewhere where YOU might look if you misplaced your keys.


      I just about always leave the key in my bike, but then it really doesn't look like much and probably not get stolen anyway.


        I came across a Buell (no big loss) had the keys in ign, ign on & lights on.
        I just turned the ign off. left the keys


          Hey howdy hey!

          Mr. alanmac,

          Let it be known that on this day you are cordially and formally welcomed to the GSR Forum as a Junior Member in good standing with all the rights and privileges thereof. Further let it be known that your good standing can be improved with pictures (not you, your bike)! :grin:

          I'd like to thank you for your conscientiousness. Although I probably would've left the keys just as they were. Some folks are a very trusting sort and most people are trustworthy most of the time. Your mileage may vary depending on where you live. My in-laws never lock their front door, even when they go on vacation. I've had packages (computer parts) stolen off of my front porch.

          Thanks for joining us. I'm not sure if you'll have use for these, but I like to remind all the new members. In addition to the carb rebuild series, I recommend visiting the garage section via the GSR Hompage and check out the Stator Papers. There's also a lot of great information in the Old Q&A section. I have some documentation on my little BikeCliff website to help get you familiar with routine maintenance tasks (note that it is 850G-specific but many tasks are common to all GS bikes). Other "user contributed" informational sites include those of Mr. bwringer, Mr. tfb and Mr. robertbarr.

          Thank you for your indulgence,

          (The unofficial GSR greeter)


            I've found my keys in the ignition of my bike several times. It helps that it isn't usually on the street. I'm never happy about it; I had a scooter stolen from beside it a year ago.

            There's something that goes as I age, but I forget what it is...
            Mark Fisher


              It's a sickening feeling I'm sure to see the key there with the thought of it being stolen...but a trick my dad taught me was to turn the bike off with the key and put it in your pocket first and to never use the kill switch for that purpose. To this day I've never forgotten...but who knows with age?? [-o<

