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student diet?

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    student diet?

    Here is a real pain in the ar$e... as many of you know.. I am a student.. and as such, I eat like a student, which is badly and not very often. I study a lot (When not wrenching or on the forums) and i don't get a lot of physical activity.. so I've lost a little weight.

    Actually, I've lost a lot of weight since high school, and now here is the problem

    With all the collars loose, and with the airbox boots completely detached,
    I don;t have enough weight to get the carbs off of the 550... AHH!!!
    I'm leaning right on top of those little buggers with just enough wieght on my feet to keep me and the bike from falling over. I think I'll put a load of bricks into a back pack and try it again sometime, but this is getting a bit rediculous..

    LoL. Get a hair dryer and heat up the boots to make em soft and pliable. Then go over your mums house and raid the kitchen :P



      The answer is that they will call a mechanic and payment for removing the carbs will be a 6 pack of keiths. On the plus side, if you are not spending all of your time attempting to remove the carbs you will have more time to play DDR.
      Last edited by Guest; 04-10-2008, 02:12 PM.


        broom handle is what i used to get my carbs off and on.


          I'm a male engineering student... hair drier???

          and Chris... believe me, I'm hesitant to let you even go near this one...


            Originally posted by BentRod View Post
            I'm a male engineering student... hair drier???
            OK So you are bald and don't know any girls?????


              Ramen noodles. That's what I pretty much lived on in college:-D. You just wouldn't believe the many creative ways you can prepare them (I'll probably never eat them again either).

              I think leverage is your friend here. I used a 2 foot breaker bar with a block of wood against the cylinders. Popped the carbs right off. Getting them back on, well that's another story. Plenty of WD40 and had to invent some new swear words.


                get someone to hold the bars, take a block of wood ( nice and thick ) and a 2lb sledge. tap'em till you get them part of the way in, then pot a hand on 1 and 4 and push like hell. or if you can get the tires blocked good, use a broom handle or something similar, with a good piviot point.. it's safer to have a friend help, though.


                  got em off!!! I tried lifting again and the back tyre started coming up on me, so i went and got a pry bar and yes.,. they are off.. and in not to shabby condition either..

                  I also got the exhaust off and the tank.. both are pretty nasty.

                  I'm afraid that this is about all I'm going to do until i get through exams

                  SEE YA!


                    Good luck on your exams.

                    And congratulation with getting your carbs off.

