About 3/4ths of the way through the route, there is a mostly straight section of road for eight miles or so with a few curves and up/down hills. The speed limit is 55 mph and I'm cruising along between 55 and 60 mph. I have the road to myself, or so I thought. LOL Checking my mirrors, I see a pickup truck about a mile back and gaining on me. A minute or two later, he is 20 feet behind me. There are unlimited opportunities for him to pass me as the road is straight and there is no oncoming traffic. A couple miles later, Mr. truck is still glued 10-20 feet off my rear. Finally, I say screw this and wick it up to 70 or so. Half a minute later, El truck is right back on my butt at ten feet away. OK, now I'm getting annoyed and bump down two gears, give the throttle a good twist and watch the speedo zip right on by 120. Mr truck is fading into the distance. LOL I put about a mile between us and ease it back down to 70 mph since the speed limit is still 55 mph. Well, a minute later, I note that Mr bigwheels is closing and will soon be reattaching himself to my ass. I figure he has to be running at least 90 to be catching me at his closing rate. OK says I, you wanna play do you?
I travel this road often and I know it well. In about 2 or 3 miles, at the end of this straight section, there is a small bar and grill that a few bikers and the locals frequent. I bump my speed back up to go to jail territory to reclaim the mile of distance between me and Mr truck and hold that speed until just before reaching the first turn at the end of the straight section. The bar and grill is at the end of this turn. Well now, in the middle of that turn, there is an overgrown, heavily wooded, set back gate which leads to a pasture. This setback is a favorite place for the local gendarmes to radar traffic because it is not visible until one is passing in front of it from one direction. I get to the beginning of the curve and jump on the brakes because I know two things the trucker may not. The speed limit drops to 45 mph in the middle of the turn and there will probably be a deputy backed into the cattle gate with a radar gun. heheh
Fortune smiled for me. :-) I came through the turn at about 35 mph and sure enough, constable happy face is on the job. heheheh Continuing on, I pull off the road into the parking lot for the bar and grill and shut the bike off. By the time I have removed my gloves and am taking off my helmet, here comes Mr truck, hotfooting it around the curve, still chasing the biker.
Zooooom, right past Mr happy face at about 85 mph. LMAO :-) Officer happyface is not happy anymore and the party light is on. I dont know that I've ever seen a squad car leave a 50 ft rooster tail of grass before. :-)
Maybe this will be one guy that will quit messing with the bikes. LOL I'm only sorry I didnt have time to get him a nice card to go with the occasion. :-)