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Crash storie and Newbie rider tip.

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    I arrived at home, put the bike in the garage, and went inside. The blood had dried in the wind and my jeans were stuck to my legs. After not so pleasantly prying the jeans off I noticed the extent of the damage. I had really bad road rash all over both knees and the shins and had two chunks of flesh missing from my right knee (I feel to the left side, I am not sure how this happened). I doctored it up myself and then went to the hospital. They cleaned out the wounds (also not so pleasantly), dressed it up and sent me home. Since most of the damage happened to my knees, they made it so that I can just barely bend my knees. It didn’t hurt much then.

    Now it hurts pretty bad to walk. I can just do a duck waddle and can’t stand for very long at all. I am going into work tonight and I am not sure how I am going to do my job. I have to be on my feet all night and sometimes man handle 3500 pound engines. I can barely walk to the bathroom. I am not sure how this is going to work out, but I know it won’t be good.

    My injuries are not nearly as severe as someone wearing shorts and a t-shirt eating pavement at 55mph, but they are bad enough to screw up my life for the next couple months; being at an important joint makes it that much worse. I went down at 30mph. 30mph. I may have not been wearing proper gear (everything held up fine except for the jeans and despite minor cuts and scrapes elsewhere, everything else is unhurt), but I at least didn’t have any skin showing. I knew that those shorts and a t-shirt people had a few screws loose before, but now I can see first hand how dumb riding without proper gear really is. If that guy in the Harley did the same thing I did, he would easily be hospitalized getting prepared for skin graphs...even at 30mph. Wear protective gear all of the time. I thought I could get away from it by just going at slow speeds. I was wrong. If I had just had a pair of $60 chaps on, I would not be writing this. If I didn’t have my helmet on or was even going the speed limit, I may not be writing this either.

    The bike came out mostly unhurt. Bent the left side foot peg, broke out the mirror, busted the plastic around the gauge cluster, and scratched the headlight and clutch lever. It didn’t even put a single scratch on the paint. Ebay saved the day with all replacement parts for about $70, although I can’t install them yet. The bike will look like new again, although I will be left with permanent scars.

    My family wants me to give up riding, but I will ride again once I heal up. This time it will be in full leather, even just to go down the street. All the gear all the time. That is a good motto for a reason. It was entirely my fault for not getting and wearing the right gear, even though safety was a big priority for me. I thought I could cheat the system by riding slow. You can’t.


      Originally posted by Brad4321 View Post
      I arrived at home, put the bike in the garage, and went inside. The blood had dried in the wind and my jeans were stuck to my legs. After not so pleasantly prying the jeans off I noticed the extent of the damage. I had really bad road rash all over both knees and the shins and had two chunks of flesh missing from my right knee (I feel to the left side, I am not sure how this happened). I doctored it up myself and then went to the hospital. They cleaned out the wounds (also not so pleasantly), dressed it up and sent me home. Since most of the damage happened to my knees, they made it so that I can just barely bend my knees. It didn’t hurt much then.

      Now it hurts pretty bad to walk. I can just do a duck waddle and can’t stand for very long at all. I am going into work tonight and I am not sure how I am going to do my job. I have to be on my feet all night and sometimes man handle 3500 pound engines. I can barely walk to the bathroom. I am not sure how this is going to work out, but I know it won’t be good.

      My injuries are not nearly as severe as someone wearing shorts and a t-shirt eating pavement at 55mph, but they are bad enough to screw up my life for the next couple months; being at an important joint makes it that much worse. I went down at 30mph. 30mph. I may have not been wearing proper gear (everything held up fine except for the jeans and despite minor cuts and scrapes elsewhere, everything else is unhurt), but I at least didn’t have any skin showing. I knew that those shorts and a t-shirt people had a few screws loose before, but now I can see first hand how dumb riding without proper gear really is. If that guy in the Harley did the same thing I did, he would easily be hospitalized getting prepared for skin graphs...even at 30mph. Wear protective gear all of the time. I thought I could get away from it by just going at slow speeds. I was wrong. If I had just had a pair of $60 chaps on, I would not be writing this. If I didn’t have my helmet on or was even going the speed limit, I may not be writing this either.

      The bike came out mostly unhurt. Bent the left side foot peg, broke out the mirror, busted the plastic around the gauge cluster, and scratched the headlight and clutch lever. It didn’t even put a single scratch on the paint. Ebay saved the day with all replacement parts for about $70, although I can’t install them yet. The bike will look like new again, although I will be left with permanent scars.

      My family wants me to give up riding, but I will ride again once I heal up. This time it will be in full leather, even just to go down the street. All the gear all the time. That is a good motto for a reason. It was entirely my fault for not getting and wearing the right gear, even though safety was a big priority for me. I thought I could cheat the system by riding slow. You can’t.
      Lesson learned: Never ride faster than you can brake ie if your riding at a speed where if you have to panic stop you can't yet see the spot your gonna stop at then your going too fast. And you now know why that's important, dunno why but some don't see the reasoning. Also yes ATGATT live by it! And indeed you did cheat the system as you described it, you could have been speed racer and high-sided over the edge never to be heard from again.

      There are two types of riders: Those that have gone down and those that will go down. Sucks that it had to be so soon after starting the hobby but hey **** happens.


        wow..... your lucky

        i have never went down, on the street....

        i have taken my share of spills in the dirt, and in the tall grass and weeds.. and none of that is fun either

        every time i ride i wear my jacket, gloves and helmet..

        i often ride with boots, barely ever with running shoes on, and always with jeans.

        no shorts for me. that would be way devistating


          Originally posted by Mysuzyq View Post
          Check out the Stebel Nautilus....rapidly becoming the weapon of choice,it seems, to blast errant drivers with.

          Text from that site :-D....
          [Scenario A: A beautiful day, you, your motorcycle and the open road. As you are cruising back into town, you hit a bit of traffic. A distracted "cager" (people driving in cars or trucks) on their cell phone begins to come into your lane. You immediately hit your horn. The sound that emanates is like you poked a duck with a sock in his mouth. The driver doesn't hear you and comes into your lane. You swerve dangerously to avoid him and head home angry.

          Scenario B: Same day, same traffic. However, when you hit your air horn, the booming sound of your powerful motorcycle air horn rips through the air. The driver drops his cell phone and moves back into his lane. You head home satisfied and safe.

          Make sure you get noticed when it matters most with a powerful motorcycle airhorn! Be Heard, Be Safe!]

          The Nautilus does work....
          I've got one in my Miata, which is almost impossible to see from inside an SUV as it's below the window line when passing.....
          I've had to use it more than once when a large vehicle was moving into my lane.....worked every time.....:-D
          Bob T. ~~ Play the GSR weekly photo game: Pic of Week Game
          '83 GS1100E ~ '24 Triumph Speed 400 ~ '01 TRIUMPH TT600 ~ '67 HONDA CUB


            the nautilus seems badass....

            im gonna get one for my thou eventually


              Originally posted by seuadr View Post
              i want a horn so loud the offending driver craps himself.
              maybe it could sound the "brown tone"....
              1983 GS 1100 ESD :D


                on a serious note, didnt someone say that harbor freight had a cheaper horn made by the same factory?
                1983 GS 1100 ESD :D


                  I ordered a Nautilus Friday!

                  Brad, it sounds as if your expenses aren't going to be ridiculous, and also as if you have good health insurance. The corner that you wiped out on should have been clearly identified by road signs and have had a maximum speed limit that is appropriate, which 30 MPH clearly isn't. People who are injured when roads aren't maintained, designed, or marked properly, have often successfully sued the unit of government responsible for that stretch of road.

                  “The greatest service this country could render the rest of the world would be to put its own house in order and to make of American civilization an example of decency, humanity, and societal success from which others could derive whatever they might find useful to their own purposes.” George Kennan


                    That would never work here in Massachusetts, its illegal to sue the state for poorly maintained roads... and in many areas they take full advantage of that fact.


                      I'll second the suggestion FOR ALL NEW RIDERS I RECOMMEND A MSF SANCTIONED CLASS....

                      I took the class a few years ago... I'll tell you they kept my class moving along and learning every moment. They made it fun and educational. I would suggest that anyone wanting to learn to ride or if your new.. TAKE THE CLASS.. you will appreciate it later.

                      I've been lucky... .on my first official get on the highway ride... I had someone who was in the "off ramp" ... turn to look at me and pull directly into my lane. I was fortunate..... I said a few choice words to myself as I gave her gas and we moved ahead at a rapid speed. Talk about getting your blood boiling.

                      I may be a woman.. however I'll be the first to say SOME women can NOT drive worth a hoot! Being on the bike has made me a more aggressive drive because here in Florida people do NOT watch for bikes... you are on your own. Once in a blue moon will we come across someone in a truck/car that you can tell .. they probably ride.. helping fend of crazy drivers and let you move safely ahead. .. however those are few and far between... so for the most part. your on your own and they WILL run you down.

                      Sorry about your accident... and glad your better!


                      P.S-- AIR HORNS ROCK!.. those are certainly on my "gotta get list"

