I was invited by fellow GSR Steve to join in a Toy Run for the local Childrens Hospital here in Dayton. He said it was mostly 'Wingers, but other bikes did make appearances, and since it was certainly for a good cause, and a great excuse to ride, I went. He also invited me to come along on thier local chapter gathering picnic, and the ride that went on after that.
I arrived at Steves place around 8 in the morning, and shortly thereafter, we traveled down to Lebanon, OH to meet up with the rest of thier chapter members. Or at least some of them. We rode up to Childrens en mass, and it was quite fun to be part of a string of bikes blasting up the highway. I have never been much of a group rider, in fact, most of my riding time is solo, or maybe one or two other people, so this was new. I had the run down of etiquette, most of which was common sense, but it was nice to see the lead rider pointing out situations as they arose and what not. Upon our arrival at the start point, we pulled in and the parking lot was near capacity with bikes. Again, mostly Wings, but a few others could be seen as well. Couple of Harleys and a Victory, a crotch rocket, and I think besides Steves wife's 850GL, I was the only other UJM in the bunch.
Everyone milled around for a bit, talking and looking over the bikes and stuff, then the organizers gave the order to mount up, and everyone did, and we were on our way. I think it was around 65 bikes, with police escort (on thier Harleys of course) traveling down Rt 4. It was a site indeed. We rode on to Childrens, and once there, everyone donated thier toys, and there were a couple of announcments and speeches, and then everyone mounted up again. Most peeled off, but a good portion of us rode up to Englewood dam for a picnic and thier gathering meeting.
From there, Steve took the lead, and about 15 of us took off on a great little ride thru Western Ohio area (Greenville and the like) Stopping at a still running water powered mill, where i picked up some goodies for my parents, namely my mother who is all about that kinda stuff...heh. It was a neat place, and the tour was quite interesting. Apparently one of the mill stones took over two years to be transported from France, in 1848, and cost, back then, 6 grand. That translates to about 140 grand today. WOW! Shortly after the tour, rolling thunder could be heard coming in from the distance, but it wasnt a storm. About 30ish Harleys came cruising in. It was rather amusing, all these Wings, and a BUNCH of Harleys parked together in harmony..lol.
From there we cruised the country roads some more. The sky was sunny off and on, it was pretty warm. Really a pretty day and a wonderfull ride, save for a WICKED cross wind coming off the farm fields. Even my heavy 1100 was getting tossed, and so were the Wings. Fighting that wind was rough at times. But i was having a BLAST! We passed the only two ROUND barns in existance in Ohio, interesting looking to say the least.
We rode on to another Chapters fund raising soup bean dinner, and ate, and then another 30 or so miles back towards home.
All in all that day was about 200 miles for me, not TOO shabby, and the 1100 didnt flinch ONCE. I had been worried early in the day of it coughing up a piston or something, but I got on it here and there, almost as if I were trying to prove to myself that it WASNT going to break. It didnt, and took the next days 200 mile abuse as well.
Sunday, Steve and I set out for Milford, Ohio, just a bit outside of Cincy, to meet up with BlokV (Victor) and MRiddle (Mike) two more GSR members, on thier way back from the Brown County Rally. Mike had asked us down to help him check out an 81 1100E that he was interested in buying for parts for his 750E restoration. Turns out that this 1100 was in IMMACULATE condition save for a snapped intake cam. I told Mikey that i likely had a cam that would work as a replacement, so he instantly changed his mind, and it looks as if he is going to have one BEAUTIFUL 81 1100E soon. He dropped half on the guy to hold it for him, and as it stands now, Steve and I will be trailering it back to Steves place, and doing some surgery on it to bring it back to life, then Mike will be up to pick it up. The bike, the original pipes in VERY clean condition, a VH 4into1 pro pipe, a set of stock and KONI HP shocks, all for 500 BUCKS!! What a freakin STEAL! Ya done good Mikey, REAL good.

After lunch with Mike (thanks again Mike
