I probably kept my gsx400 upright for about 12 feet with the rear sliding out the side, but eventually my tripple trees hit the frame and I had no choise but to bail. I tapped the front brake, leaned right and tried land the bike on the bar end..
..no dice
as soon as I hit pavement the bars turned and ground a nice piece off of my NEW master cyclinder, lever, and hydrolic fitting bolt. I'm rather up set about that. I slid 5 paces (I measures the marks on the pavement) but managed to separate my self from the bike before it went into the intersection. I stayed behind the white line. Traffic came to a sudden hault, and thank god their was no one behind me.
My bike started leaking gas. I have pods so when I hit the carb pulled my shortish fuel line out of the petcock. I got the bike home, but it was running on one cylinder most of the way, with the left one cutting in and out. The front forks and stearing are tweeked, and my front brake feels a mushy.
I'm going to try to straiten the stear out today, and I'm going to inspect the rear drum brake as soon as I can. I'm very worried about what happened, especially because I very often carry my girlfriend, whom I usually drive to work when I'm working in Hamilton. I'm to afraid to let her ride pillion until this is fixed.

Stay sharp everyone