Traffic ofcourse sucks on I405NB in the AM as usual. No worries least I don't have to worry about much other than that moron out to kill me...
Sure enough I found him this AM. Was going about 20MPH by the newcastle exit. and this stupid F*@##R comes right over on top of my sorry arse

Well that panzy SOB got a ****ed off GS rider banging on his window with me shouting enough to fog up my helmet and slam the visor up to see that teenager sulking into his chair with this totally re-tarded blank cocky look on his face... we all know where this conversation went.....*short version* WTFH you didn't signal or turn your head to see me there you &@#*^ IDIOT USE YOUR BRAIN AND EYES OR stay off the road you retard... There are plunty of motorcycles out daily and he did not even look... could have seriously hurt/killed me you little &*(@# PUNK. I so wanted to reach through his cracked window beat his sorry face in!!! I settled for the shouting got back on my bike and got past his butt and gave him 'The Harshest most terrifing stare down and moved on'
What a dam stupid punk lame arse lame brain C*&K S*&K*R C*&K Knocker AHHHHHHHH...... now its onto to work...... I feel better now..... ending rant
BTW the GS was unhurt due to me knowing from my safety course to have a escape route, and I hope I put the fear of GOD into that SOB
*Link to a GOOD MACK style Horn* here anyone know of something I can mount...these stock ones apparently are not loud enough since everone seems to want 1500Watts of BASS
Have a nice day
