This is a link to an article about an accident that happened 1/4 mile from my house last night. I remember hearing the sirens as I tried to go to sleep. The road I live on is a main artery for most emergency vehicles travelling west from the station in Loveland, which is less than a mile from me.
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Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
This is a link to an article about an accident that happened 1/4 mile from my house last night. I remember hearing the sirens as I tried to go to sleep. The road I live on is a main artery for most emergency vehicles travelling west from the station in Loveland, which is less than a mile from me.Tags: None
stupid stupid stupid. we have accidents like that occasionally around here too.. avoiding a hefty fine isn't worth your life, in my opinion. just like jackasses in the winter in their suv's.. just because you can go fast, it doesn't mean you should.
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- Brooksville Fl.
I went across an overpass over the interstate last week. In the middle of the overpass was a police car, ambulance, and a splattered sport bike stuck in a huge dent in the heavy steel guardrail. i assumed the rider went over the guardrail and into the oncoming interstate traffic, 40 feet below.
Motorcycles dont tolerate bad decisions very well.
EarlLast edited by earlfor; 09-09-2008, 10:26 PM.Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.
Originally posted by seuadr View Poststupid stupid stupid. we have accidents like that occasionally around here too.. avoiding a hefty fine isn't worth your life, in my opinion. just like jackasses in the winter in their suv's.. just because you can go fast, it doesn't mean you should.
If anything, SUV's and trucks are MORE dangerous in the snow (90% of the vehicles I see in the ditch, winter or summer). Still have the same contact patches as everyone else, but more weight and momentum (simple physics). Usually have all season tires, not good snow tires. My snows are like freakin tractor tires! I've pulled people OUT of the ditch with my little Protege. Last winter a truck ran me off the road and into the ditch because he lost control, I put it in reverse and drove out, no trouble! He proceeded to pile into other cars who couldn't stop either.
All leads down to that same mentality of the guy who thought he could get away. Everyone see's accidents, but so few change their own driving habits, views on safety, and their own mortality. Yes, everyone makes mistakes and accidents happen, that's human nature and a fact of life, but so many people have the mentality of "that'll never happen to me" and "I'm invincible because I'm faster and bigger". Speed and size can kill you just as fast as a single digit IQ or a not-so-well thought out plan.
dont run from the cops.
I heard this is best:
put the kickstand down.
put the keys in your left hand , wave em and stick your arm straight out and drop em on the ground.
take off your helmet.
this takes all the pressure off the cop, and he gives you a warning.
i haven't had to try this...thank god.
We had a rider in town a couple of weeks ago who after dumping his bike at a light picked it back up and proceded to dump it again just down the road. By now a motorist had called the cops to tell what was going on.
He picked it up a second time and took off, by the time the cops caught up to him he had gone down for the 3rd time and needed to be lifeflighted.
It seems he had been drinking and didn't learn after the first 2 times down. Wound up in intensive care last I heard he had been upgraded but the bike was a total. Booze and bikes don't mix well...