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the herd is thinning

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    Originally posted by lurch12_2000 View Post
    aahhh...rub it was 24 yesterday morning up here....
    It feels just as bad when you have been here for over 20 years



      Some of you folks is spoiled! Living north of Buffalo NY with a 40 mile, 6AM ride in the farmlands to work, I would say we get a couple mornings that don't dip below 70 in August, but most morning rides for me are in the 40's/50's/low 60's even in summer. Its a nice refreshing substute for coffee! I will keep one bike "on the road" year round.
      If it is dry I will push the weekend rides until the temps are in the 25-30 degree range. The biggest concern is the damn salt and sand that accumulates on the road which can put you on the ground in a heartbeat if you are not careful! I do find that the winter rides tend to be much shorter than 20 years ago!


        I went out quick last night after I finished putting the ES bar risers on my E bike and HOLY CRAP it was cold. Didn't feel bad standing in the driveway but on the road it was freezing. Granted, I didn't have appropriate cold weather gear on but WOW, it sure will wake you up. I'm a fair weather rider, I don't ride in the rain and I don't ride in the cold. My motorcycle is a toy not my main mode of transportation although I will ride it a lot in the warmer weather. When it's cold or raining I prefer the comfort of my "cage". Must be a sign I am getting old (31)...


          Hell yesterday I had to scape ice off the bike before I fired her up... It's holding in the 40's here but if it's a clear night it dips below freezing just before dawn.

          Now is when i start paying attention to the weather forecasts... Rain on the way into work is a nogo... On the way back home in the evening is fine... cold and wet going to work us labeled "the suck" while cold and wet on the way home is simply "meh".


            Originally posted by scotty View Post
            It feels just as bad when you have been here for over 20 years

            Ask CRAG ANTLER
            Oh come on Don. I rode to work this morning and it was 25 when I left.
            Nothing to it. Just like riding in Florida except for the scenery,curves, hills, etc
            Doug aka crag antler

            83GS1100E, gone
            2000 Kawasaki Concours
            Please wear ATGATT


              I still ride to work everyday.....unless its raining. We had flurries the other day. The gs550 stays in the I don't have to scrape it. It's been up in the 50's just about everyday riding home so thats nice. So far this week the only other rider I have seen on the road was a trike......I put the hand out for him......


                Originally posted by crag antler View Post
                Oh come on Don. I rode to work this morning and it was 25 when I left.
                Nothing to it. Just like riding in Florida except for the scenery,curves, hills, etc

                Douglas is a liar


                  Originally posted by scotty View Post
                  Douglas is a liar
                  Alright Scotty, I just got home and it a scorching 45F.
                  Come to Maine, Don and I'll show you around
                  You can even come to Moosehead, heck DonP rode all the way up the 1st year.
                  Don't know when I'll be home bound again. Maybe next year
                  Doug aka crag antler

                  83GS1100E, gone
                  2000 Kawasaki Concours
                  Please wear ATGATT


                    Originally posted by crag antler View Post
                    Alright Scotty, I just got home and it a scorching 45F.
                    Come to Maine, Don and I'll show you around
                    You can even come to Moosehead, heck DonP rode all the way up the 1st year.
                    Don't know when I'll be home bound again. Maybe next year


                      Me and a buddy put about 300 miles on the bikes Monday. It was in the 40's when we left at 10:30 am and in the 30's when we got home about 8 at night. It did warm up to about 60 during the day. We rode from Ma to the White mountains of NH, across the Kanamangus highway a scenic mountain pass down pass Lake Winnipesauke and back towards home. It was a nice sunny ride, we only saw a few other bikes but it was a work day for most. My friend is 73 and has ridding in his blood. Once after waking up in the Icu his wife asked if he was finished with ridding, he said "Am I dead yet ?" It was a great ride but after the sun went down it was nice to get home. Went out this afternoon for a quick ride and saw tons of bikes, it was a nice sunny afternoon and the season is coming to and end. I'm used to working outside all winter and I do have a fairing so I'm hoping to stretch the season as long as I can. The weather guy just said there could be a little snow up in the mountains next week but then back into the 60's later in the week so I guess there will be more ridding yet this year.


                        27 when I left for work this moring at 5:30am. didnt see any other 2 wheelers.


                          33 now and I'm about to take off, woo!


                            I parked the bike for work commuting because the sun is in its blinding stage both to and from and the last thing I need is to NOT BE SEEN.


                              i am riding until mid november if I can take it bike needs some love... but i am seeing fewer bikes in seattle but they come out later


                                Well the herd may be thinning due to another reason Makes sense to ME!!

                                In an episode of "Cheers", Cliff is seated at the bar describing the Buffalo Herd Theory to Norm.

                                "Well you see, Norm, it's like this . . . A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the heard is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members. In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Now, as we know, excessive intake of alcohol kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. And that, Norm, is why you always feel smarter after a few beers."

