Tough to get motivated to go to work at 26º this morning but I packaged myself up and fired up the old 1100G. I experimented today with using disposable latex gloves under my ski gloves and light liner gloves. Not so much to insulate but to cut the wind chill. I was happy to stop for gas after 15 miles because my fingers were non-functioning from the mid-knuckles down. I took a little extra time while filling up to thaw them out. It is tough to manipulate the insertion of the credit card when your fingers don’t respond. Now understand that, other than my fingers, my body core and other parts were fine. Into the trash with the latex gloves and that idea…and off with my fogging up glasses under the full face helmet. Better to see a little blurry than not at all!
It doesn’t help, either, when you’re making turns and avoiding ice patches entering the gas station and other side turns along the way. It gets tough always checking ahead for shady spots on the curves in the road for lurking ice patches, rather than just enjoying the sweep of the pavement. I may be crazy but I’m not stupid and this may be the last challenge I put up to the oncoming winter and sub-freezing temps (you wimp).
Again I made another stop after 10 more miles to finally get some pics along the Merrimack River. Sorry I didn’t get any a few weeks ago while the foliage was at peak.
I enjoyed the final 10 miles to work in a now balmy 29° with the rising sun!
The ride home was after sunset and about 50, but worth it.
