The weather today was cool ( maybe high 40s low 50s) and dry and I had no chores on the agenda. The wife was taking the daughter to Buffalo for a day of shopping so I figured I could get out for a few hours of fun and fresh air.
Then it started spitting a bit so I figured I'd wait a bit. After lunch its still looking iffy so I figure nuts I'll just veg and watch a bit of tube. I fall asleep watching some Jim Carey nonsense.
Sometime later my buddy comes in. "Lets go for a scoot".Still iffy out so I beg off. "Well at least try my new ride", he says. I go outside and sitting in the driveway is a 250cc Honda Scooter

So not to be rude, I suit up ( non official leather jacket, regular gloves and garage helmet), climb on, push in the foot brake and push the button. Where's the clutch??? Oh yeah not clutch...full auto.
Twist the wrist and we're the boosters on a Saturn 5. This puppy really flies. Light and flickable too. What a hoot. Got to get me one of dees!!! This is too much fun. Maybe I should get one for the wife

Now if a 250 goes like this what would a 400 or 600 feel like

Save me from myself, I'm too young for a scoot....aren't I?

Ride safe everyone.