Off we went 2km out of town we caught up to one of our boys in blue ( The Police ) thats ok we were doing the speed limit. He pulled over and promptly followed us for around 10km. Roads very busy alot of bikes heaps of waving even the missus started.
Mr plod still close behind watching our everymove then around six more bikes caught up and we all proceeded to mingle with slower traffic ( only two lanes in this neck of the woods). Made it Masterton with no problems sat down and enjoyed some nice coffee, and soaked up the sun. The wife enjoying the day .
After a while we decided to return home lots of bikes still on the road I found out later that a small town further south had been having a speed day. Highest speed was reached by a Lady 300kmph on I dont know what.
Anyhow while riding home over a small mountain range wife on the back having a ball I felt the funny feeling of a slip in the rear tyre not going overly fast I thought my wife had just moved. It was not to be. At the bottom of the hill was a long straight and a slight right hand turn.
Holy **** wrong side of the road then on the right this happened around six times

The missus quickly dismounted the bike which is a mission for her toget on being only 5ft tall still shaking and a very pale shade of white. I thought she will never get on one of these things again. and for some husbands this would be a bleesing. My mates were all infront of me and unaware of our situation and did not turn back for some time thinking that I had been nabbed by a recent passing highway patrol car, and thought I would catch up.
Back tyre totaly flat, wife pale and trying to light a nervous cigarete my heart fluttering like a hummingbird in full flight, I could not believe what had just happened. A car we were following slowed when he saw what was happening but continued on" must have been from Auckland lol".
An hour later trailered home felt a hell of alot better no injuries and no damage to the missus or the bike, Cold beer in hand wife a vodka we sat and thought of the day that had could have been, good riding? good luck?
Has anyone else had an experience of the ass end loosing it so quick?.