The weather this morning is cold but sunny and I figure i'll clean up the garage a bit first and perhaps let it get a bit warmer. Around mid morning I'm caught up and its still looking good so I get ready to go.
As I want to run some Seafoam into the system as a stabilizer I pour in half a can and top up from my gas can. Turn the key to on and thumb the button. No go...nothing. Crap! Bad battery? Pull off the seat and pull out the multimeter. 12.6 volts, should be tons. Push again nothing not a sound. Bad connections somewhere to the solenoid or starter maybe Get out the screw driver and remove the battery connections...clean as a whistle and making a good contact. Look at the connections at the solenoid.....look fine. What the h e double hockey sticks.
Well maybe I'll juice up the battery and try again after lunch.
It must be the lack of food in my system as I'm munching on leftovers when it strikes me.......I didn't pull in the clutch lever....doh

Sure enough, choke on, turn key, pull lever and push button and varoooom!
I can't believe I forgot how to start the bike. I think I need to write it down and tape it to the speedo.

Anymore dummies out there or do I win the prize?
Cheers all,