I ventured out with my Venture for my 35 mile commute this morning with 26 degree temps. Dressing in layers I was still able to comfortably enjoy the commute, occassionally looking out for an ice patch or two. I've been putting hundreds of miles on my 3 bikes during the winter months, in between snow storms and avoiding ice patches from an occassionally melting of the roadside snowbanks, and now the frost heaves. The secret is dressing properly (snowmobile like gear works well) and scouting out the weather conditions, and time of day for your commute or recreational rides.
The mornings following a warm previous day are red flags for the frozen patches of melts across the secondary roads. Major roads are straighter and beveled properly for proper runoff, but up in NH you still have to watch out for snowmobile trail crossings that leave snow and ice dragged across the pavement. Evening/overnight winds normally make for drier mornings and no frosts which leave a slight fuzz of slippery frozen dew on large patches of road. Real heavy winds with loose powder snow means leave the bike at home unless you have already scouted out your route. Nice sunny days and clear roads suddenly turn in death traps of a hundred foot stretch of drifting snow across your path. Always look way ahead, be prepared to slow or stop ahead of time, and no braking if you it's too late!
So in light of all this maybe PMS is not a bad alternative to your early demise!!!
