I rode a while enjoying natures beauty. After about 45 minutes of peace & tranquility, I came to an overpass which crossed over the interstate, I turned on a road just before it, rounded a slight curve, & there it was, a perfectly straight road running next to the interstate.
Resisting the urge, I rode easy. I went app 2 miles & hit a dead end, I slowly turned around & there was that perfectly straight stretch ahead of me again... no more self control!

Not wanting to take off from a dead start, I did a 5 mph rolling start, I pulled in the clutch, leaned all the way down on the tank almost even with the dragbike h/bars, wrapped the throttle 3 times for the effects, & on the 4th wide open wrap I let the clutch go! Imagine my surprise when the front wheel came off the ground about 2 ft!

After the initial shock, I was fine & stayed in the throttle. After about 4 bike lengths & most of my 250 lbs on the tank, it came down easy & I ran it out till I had to make the stop sign. I pondered this surprising event for a few minutes, then enjoyed the scenic ride back home. I have wheelied crotch rockets with no effort at all, but until today, I honestly never believed an 80 GS750E would pull this off. Call me ignorant, but it's just another experience I will never forget!!!!