First I will list the things I did BEFORE I ever rode it, not much point elucidating too much on them as I have no "before" to compare too.
Here is a pic "as delivered"
1) I replaced the tires with Cheng Shin Hi-max (GSR) front and back, the ones on the bike still had tons of tread, but had cracks along the side. Getting the wheels off with no jack etc was a pain and very precarious with wood and a car jack and a tie strap...
2) had the wheel off anyways so I replaced the rear brakes (Haynes), they were getting close and for $35 saves taking the wheel off again later. the cush looked good IMO, when I put the wheel on I set chain tension as well (Haynes)
3) full carb clean and o-ring replacement (GSR/Bikecliff), I ended up using OEM parts, one day I would like to find out if cycleorings kit would have fit...
4) Intake o-ring (GSR) while I had the carbs off, again used OEM, my bike uses a different size than the 450 so no go. Funny thing is I bought a top end kit that came with them anyways, ah well, spares.
5) replaced the chair foam homemade filter (Haynes) the PO put in, it had the tiniest cells in it, not sure if air actually went THROUGH or AROUND it... Used OEM part.
6) Did valve adjustment (GSR/Bikecliff/Haynes), this was a PITA due to 2 stripped adjusters, no gasket just the stikiest silicone EVER. After some help from a GREAT guy (Jetta90) I had my adjusters and set the valves. I have a feeling I set them too loose after reading more about feeler guages so they may be closer to 0.15 than 0.13, it IS a bit ticky but it runs fine? I made a gasket for the cam cover (GSR) from a roll of gasket material, that was fun that cover is not a simple shape!
So thats what I did before I rode it. Thanks to all on GSR for the help, now on to what I have done since: