My BIG mistake, is instead of usuall thermal underwear, I wanted to use my Technic codura overpants. Why was this a big mistake? Because I could not immediately find my Technic's. This "scurrying" around at 5:15 sent me into such a cluster-fruck, I was progressively running around in complete circles trying to get all my needed gear and normal work day items found and packed. Here's a rundown of exactly how I got absolutely nothing accomplished in 30 min after I found my Technic's:
1) got dressed, heated gear on, hooded sweatshirt, and nylon jacket.
1a) Had to get all undressed, because I forgot to feed my heated glove wires through the sleeves. *IDIOT*
2) OK, heated gear on, wires correctly routed, now I need lunch, grab my OJ, and my frozen dinner. Now where the fruck is my dam cell phone? run around and find my phone.
2a) OK, got lunch, and phone, but cant find my frikin' wallet, I find my wallet in my pant's from last night *IDIOT*
3) ok, do I have everything? Yes. I head out to the shed and push out the GS and realize I don't have the dam power switch cord for my heated vest! it's back in my house. Now I getting pi$$ed at myself.....
3a)Go back outside, start the GS, plug in the vest, gloves on, but now I feel a little strange... a HELMET on my head would be nice !!!! (now I am "F this, and F that" at myself..) get off bike, fumble for my keys unlock shed, get my dam helmet..... ok I think i'm all set.. I JUST WANNA GET ON THE ROAD TO WORK !!!!!!!!!!!!
4) It's just about dawn, I go Down the road I go a little bit, I flip my helmet shield down, and everything is real dark...... guess what? I forgot to swap my helmet to the CLEAR shield instead of the currently installed dark smoke ... I yell at myself "YOU FRIKIN' STUPID DUMBA$$ IDIOT"..... "YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE EVEN ON A BIKE AFTER TODAY" !!!
The moral of this story is if after 30 min. you still don't have your brain in foreward, take the train instead.....
Why didn't I have everything together last night? I was too busy reading about "Idiots" on GSR.....
