That's the plan. Quite complicated and well thought out, isn't it? First, the introduction. This is me, Matt.

I'm 19 and live in Enderby, British Columbia. Located in the Okanagan valley, Enderby is a beautifully situated town with a population of about 6,000.
I've only just recently gotten into bikes. I wanted one last year, but didn't have the money. Things have changed this year, and I am the proud owner of this lil trooper, a 1978 Suzuki GS400.

The other person on this trip is my best friend that I've known since Kindergarten. Rob.

20 year old from Kelowna, BC, and currently skating for Disney on Ice. He's the reason I'm into bikes, really. He got his learner license two years ago but never bought a bike. The license expired this spring, before we could leave on our trip. This added complications. He currently rides this:

A 2003 Ninja 250! (Yes, its partly naked here; he had an idle problem thats all fixed now)
Enough with the introduction, and onto the trip at hand. The original plan was to swim in both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. This became a problem when we found out that Rob got back from tour at the beginning of May, and left again near the end of June. We couldn't leave right away either, as there were a few issues..
First of all, Rob needed a license. Seeing as how he had passed his written and skills test two years ago, this time around would be much quicker. Only a week before he could ride.
Great, then what? Well, Rob needs a bike. He also needed his passport renewed. I thought I would get mine, too. Cue a trip to Vancouver! The passport application went super smooth and we would have them in a week under the express option. Unfortunately, we couldn't find a bike for him there. I was prepared to ride it back home for him, but oh well. It worked out because last Saturday he bought that Ninja shown above.
Now, since all of this has added extra delays to the start of the adventure, we thought about replanning our trip. Out of the blue I thought, howabout Thunder Bay, Ontario? Why Thunder Bay, you ask? Well it sounds cool, that's why. Haha. Once we reach Thunder Bay, we could head South into the USA and ride back East through Minnesota, the Dakotas, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho and back into BC.
This way we get to cross through both Canada and USA, travelling through such areas as the Rockies, the vast praries, Yellowstone park, etc. Looking like it could work, it thus became our plan.
This is a very rough outline of our trip:
Click here because the forum is stupid and only lets me post 4 photos at a time
The deadline that we will absolutely leave by is May 20th. If Rob passes his skills test and we get our passports on Thursday then we should be able to leave sooner!
We're planning on video taping it all and making a video similiar to Long way Round in style, albiet much less cool. In any case, what we'll like to know are the best places to travel through, visit and see. We'll try and update our progress as we can, too.
Oh and if anyone wants to offer free booze/food/place to stay/shower that would be great , as we'll mostly be sleeping in a tent and eating bread and hot dogs.
So to summarize, it's about two inexperienced idiots going on an adventure of a lifetime!