I just recently purchased an '09 V-Strom 650, which freed up the GS for someone else to go on rides with me. I didn't have the Strom for a month, and with only a few short hops on the strom, my dad was once again hooked! So, on a spur of the moment, the only way my family knows how to be, we planned on a short trip from Loveland, CO up through park county (que south park music) on into Leadville.
Thursday I told my dad that we should head up there Saturday for a couple days of camping and riding around the old mining areas. That only left Friday to get the old GS up and running (well running good enough for the trip anyway! ) so we spent Friday loading all the gear, putting a new chain and new oil in the GS and hoping it would make it.
We headed out bright and early Saturday morning, even though the weather didn't look that great. We had a couple of old walkie talkies to talk to eachother during the ride.
Loaded up and ready to ride!

We took back roads all the way up to Leadville (the GS will only do about 65 max in the high country). But first we had to stop off to get dad a rain suit. Turns out we'd need it all weekend :huh .

I don't have any pictures of the ride up. The only excuse I have is that my fingers were wet and frozen, as was the rest of me, so I couldn't work the camera anyway (oh yeah, the camera stopped working had to dry out before it started to work). A little outside of Golden we switched bikes, I'm now riding the GS. The whole way up, my dad was radioing me talking about the Strom and how it was like a guided missle (he hasn't ridden a modern bike since now). Every time he'd go around a bend or accelerate out of a corner, he'd radio me saying "I've GOT to get me one of these!".
Well, 6 hours of freezing rain later, we pulled into camp. Note: don't trust a GPS, I just got a 2720 and programed in the route for shortest distance avoiding major highways. The only problem was, minor roads was set up to be "Prefer", so the GPS took us on a little round about way. When we followed the GPS and it lead to a dirt trail going up over a pass (that was still snowed in), we had to back track a little.
Camp set at 5:00 p.m.

Oh yeah, did I mention the rain? It rained all night. It rained all morning. It rained all day. It rained all evening. We got wet.
The next day we woke up and rode to breakfast. Sitting in a fancy restaurant with soaking wet riding gear while others just stare at you works up an appitite. After breakfast we headed out to the mines. It's been raining constantly, so the dirt roads and trails were fun at times. plenty of streams and BIG puddles to cross all day. It was great fun though.
Heading up to Mosquito Pass
